The SHOCKING Truth Behind Lucy Letby Insulin Poisonings REVEALED!
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The SHOCKING Truth Behind Lucy Letby Insulin Poisonings REVEALED!
Don't be FOOLED by Lucy Letby's SLICK PR campaign
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Don't be FOOLED by Lucy Letby's SLICK PR campaign
Why you should listen to my mum and NOT anitvaxxers
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Why you should listen to my mum and NOT anitvaxxers
Exposed! The DIRTY tricks used by fake CANCER cure promoters
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Exposed! The DIRTY tricks used by fake CANCER cure promoters
Lucy Letby supporters FALSELY accuse doctor of KILLING baby
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Lucy Letby supporters FALSELY accuse doctor of KILLING baby
The strange parallels between LUCY LETBY supporters and ANTIVAXXERS
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The strange parallels between LUCY LETBY supporters and ANTIVAXXERS
Has John Campbell revealed the TRUTH about the Shroud of Turin?
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Has John Campbell revealed the TRUTH about the Shroud of Turin?
Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr make America healthy again?
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Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr make America healthy again?
John Campbell gets advice on CHOLESTEROL. Should he get a second opinion?
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John Campbell gets advice on CHOLESTEROL. Should he get a second opinion?
The carnivore diet is NOT healthy
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The carnivore diet is NOT healthy
Antivaxxers Are EASY to Fool and Here's Why
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Antivaxxers Are EASY to Fool and Here's Why
Horrendous vaccine injury LIES
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Horrendous vaccine injury LIES
Antivaxxers ask John Campbell to stop embarrassing them
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Antivaxxers ask John Campbell to stop embarrassing them
Fact Check: Are famous influencers dropping like flies?
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Fact Check: Are famous influencers dropping like flies?
16.9 million deaths?! John Campbell is getting desperate.
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16.9 million deaths?! John Campbell is getting desperate.
Cardiovascular events after COVID vaccine. The SHOCKING truth!
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Cardiovascular events after COVID vaccine. The SHOCKING truth!
Dr Aseem Malhotra's BOGUS paper in an IRRELEVANT journal (Why it’s still WRONG)
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Dr Aseem Malhotra's BOGUS paper in an IRRELEVANT journal (Why it’s still WRONG)
TRUMP's phone call with RFK Jnr. Why does he think an inch is BIG?
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TRUMP's phone call with RFK Jnr. Why does he think an inch is BIG?
TOXIC metals in tampons! Should you be worried?
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TOXIC metals in tampons! Should you be worried?
Australian Senate EXCESS DEATHS Inquiry – What antivaxxers didn’t share
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Australian Senate EXCESS DEATHS Inquiry – What antivaxxers didn’t share
John Campbell talks BOLLOCKS about bollocks
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John Campbell talks BOLLOCKS about bollocks
Australian Senate EXCESS DEATHS Inquiry brings out the CRANKS
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Australian Senate EXCESS DEATHS Inquiry brings out the CRANKS
Proof that John Campbell is CLUELESS
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Proof that John Campbell is CLUELESS
Robert F. Kennedy Jr talks total BOLLOCKS to Brian Tyler Cohen
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr talks total BOLLOCKS to Brian Tyler Cohen
Have plucky antivaxxers found clinical trial smoking gun?
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Have plucky antivaxxers found clinical trial smoking gun?
AstraZeneca vaccine withdrawn! Antivaxxers lose the plot!
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AstraZeneca vaccine withdrawn! Antivaxxers lose the plot!
Gerson Therapy – Cancer cure or cancer scam?
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Gerson Therapy – Cancer cure or cancer scam?
Midazolam! Why John Campbell is a DISGRACE to the nursing profession.
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Midazolam! Why John Campbell is a DISGRACE to the nursing profession.
Japan CANCER study: Has Dr John Campbell been proven RIGHT?
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Japan CANCER study: Has Dr John Campbell been proven RIGHT?
Dr John Campbell’s tsunami of LIES
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Dr John Campbell’s tsunami of LIES
STOP Believing the Lies: The Truth About COVID Vaccines and Cancer
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STOP Believing the Lies: The Truth About COVID Vaccines and Cancer
Revealed! My involvement in hiding the TRUTH about FLAT earth
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Revealed! My involvement in hiding the TRUTH about FLAT earth
Cindy and I were WRONG about Dr John Campbell
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Cindy and I were WRONG about Dr John Campbell
Is 217 vaccine doses study FAKE? (or are antivaxxers LYING?)
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Is 217 vaccine doses study FAKE? (or are antivaxxers LYING?)
Has the antivaxxer BOOSTER insult lost its sting?
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Has the antivaxxer BOOSTER insult lost its sting?
ONS changes make it harder for poor John Campbell to grift
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ONS changes make it harder for poor John Campbell to grift
Clotfest! How John Campbell became the laughing stock of the medical & scientific community
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Clotfest! How John Campbell became the laughing stock of the medical & scientific community
Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein resurrect RFK Jr's AIDs denial for clicks
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Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein resurrect RFK Jr's AIDs denial for clicks
John Campbell fails to detect Peter McCullough’s bollocks
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John Campbell fails to detect Peter McCullough’s bollocks
Crazy corpse CLOT claims resurrected (H/T John Campbell)
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Crazy corpse CLOT claims resurrected (H/T John Campbell)
What ANTIVAXXERS don’t want you to know about MEASLES
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What ANTIVAXXERS don’t want you to know about MEASLES
John Campbell's dangerous spike misinformation - how it is harming people
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John Campbell's dangerous spike misinformation - how it is harming people
More excess death bollocks! (Andrew Bridgen)
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More excess death bollocks! (Andrew Bridgen)
Are conspiracy theorists right about hydroxychloroquine? Unveiling the truth.
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Are conspiracy theorists right about hydroxychloroquine? Unveiling the truth.
Dr John Campbell platforms RFK Jr's awful book – Is flat earth support next?
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Dr John Campbell platforms RFK Jr's awful book – Is flat earth support next?
Why did I get Covid if I’m vaccinated?
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Why did I get Covid if I’m vaccinated?
Record level stupidity – Steve Kirsch and the New Zealand data
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Record level stupidity – Steve Kirsch and the New Zealand data
How grifters like Dr John Campbell EXPLOIT loopholes in YouTube policies to spread MISINFORMATION
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How grifters like Dr John Campbell EXPLOIT loopholes in YouTube policies to spread MISINFORMATION
New Syndrome? Post Dr John Campbell anxiety and depression
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New Syndrome? Post Dr John Campbell anxiety and depression
Sudden cardiac death in athletes – Are ANTIVAXXERS just ignorant? (sound fixed)
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Sudden cardiac death in athletes – Are ANTIVAXXERS just ignorant? (sound fixed)
Has Dr John Campbell’s natural immunity disinformation put the vulnerable at risk?
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Has Dr John Campbell’s natural immunity disinformation put the vulnerable at risk?
Why ANTIVAXXERS are wrong about placebo vaccine trials
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Why ANTIVAXXERS are wrong about placebo vaccine trials
OMG! There’s DNA in vaccines!
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OMG! There’s DNA in vaccines!
The shocking connection: Is Dr John Campbell a Puppet for Big Pharma's Cancer Vaccine?
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The shocking connection: Is Dr John Campbell a Puppet for Big Pharma's Cancer Vaccine?
Are Robert Malone's SOUR GRAPES about the Nobel Prize justified?
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Are Robert Malone's SOUR GRAPES about the Nobel Prize justified?
Bonkers! 3 reasons we know Dr John Campbell’s ONS death claims are bollocks
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Bonkers! 3 reasons we know Dr John Campbell’s ONS death claims are bollocks
Dr John Campbell contaminates science with breast milk misinformation
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Dr John Campbell contaminates science with breast milk misinformation
Clip: Pharmacovigilance lesson for Dr John Campbell from Dr John Campbell
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Clip: Pharmacovigilance lesson for Dr John Campbell from Dr John Campbell
Sad Excess Deaths. More misinformation from Dr John Campbell.
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Sad Excess Deaths. More misinformation from Dr John Campbell.
The Disturbing Mortality Data ANTIVAXXERS Keep Hidden
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The Disturbing Mortality Data ANTIVAXXERS Keep Hidden
Exposed: Dr John Campbell's False Claims on CDC Document & Research
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Exposed: Dr John Campbell's False Claims on CDC Document & Research
Blue light filter glasses – Science or Scam?
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Blue light filter glasses – Science or Scam?
Vaccine Injury Report - Dr John Campbell caught out lying on Yellow Card
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Vaccine Injury Report - Dr John Campbell caught out lying on Yellow Card
Flawed cardiac death meta-analysis fools antivaxxers again
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Flawed cardiac death meta-analysis fools antivaxxers again
35 in 35 chance that Dr John Campbell misrepresented myocardial injury study
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35 in 35 chance that Dr John Campbell misrepresented myocardial injury study
Dr John Campbell responds to excess deaths criticism with misinformation
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Dr John Campbell responds to excess deaths criticism with misinformation
Don't panic! Understanding the new aspartame cancer classification
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Don't panic! Understanding the new aspartame cancer classification
CLIP: Why increased adverse events reports are expected
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CLIP: Why increased adverse events reports are expected
Dr John Campbell’s VIRAL vaccine paper BOLLOCKS  (The Danish paper)
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Dr John Campbell’s VIRAL vaccine paper BOLLOCKS (The Danish paper)
CLIP: Sudden cardiac arrests in young people vs vaccination
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CLIP: Sudden cardiac arrests in young people vs vaccination
Why we know that vaccine/autism claims are bollocks
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Why we know that vaccine/autism claims are bollocks
CLIP: Antivaxxers mercury confusion
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CLIP: Antivaxxers mercury confusion
How RFK Jr made nonsense sound credible on Joe Rogan
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How RFK Jr made nonsense sound credible on Joe Rogan
Dr John Campbell’s excessive excess death videos
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Dr John Campbell’s excessive excess death videos
Dr John Campbell’s ridiculous WHO vaccine/multiple sclerosis claims
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Dr John Campbell’s ridiculous WHO vaccine/multiple sclerosis claims
Blinded by vaccines?
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Blinded by vaccines?
Contrarian doctors putting fame above lives (with Dr Jonathan Howard MD)
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Contrarian doctors putting fame above lives (with Dr Jonathan Howard MD)
Logical fallacies EXPOSED! #9 The appeal to nature fallacy
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Logical fallacies EXPOSED! #9 The appeal to nature fallacy
Sudden cardiac death in young people – The Ghouls vs The Science
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Sudden cardiac death in young people – The Ghouls vs The Science
Dr John Campbell’s disgraceful miscarriage and stillbirth disinformation
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Dr John Campbell’s disgraceful miscarriage and stillbirth disinformation
Logical fallacies EXPOSED! #8 Post-hoc fallacy
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Logical fallacies EXPOSED! #8 Post-hoc fallacy
Have ANTIVAXXERS found graphene oxide smoking gun?
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Have ANTIVAXXERS found graphene oxide smoking gun?
Did Florida deliberately hide data to incite ANTIVAX sentiment?
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Did Florida deliberately hide data to incite ANTIVAX sentiment?
Dr John Campbell’s revealing TGA document discussions
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Dr John Campbell’s revealing TGA document discussions
Didn’t John Campbell watch Sesame Street when he was a kid?
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Didn’t John Campbell watch Sesame Street when he was a kid?
Lab leak: A conspiracy in search of a theory
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Lab leak: A conspiracy in search of a theory
Dr John Campbell – Follow the evidence or phone a friend?
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Dr John Campbell – Follow the evidence or phone a friend?
mRNA in blood after 28 YEARS! - New scandal for Dr John Campbell
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mRNA in blood after 28 YEARS! - New scandal for Dr John Campbell
Lies, damn lies, and Fenton/Campbell misrepresentation of ONS statistics
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Lies, damn lies, and Fenton/Campbell misrepresentation of ONS statistics
Deceptive ANTIVAXXERS try to claim myocarditis good news is bad news
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Deceptive ANTIVAXXERS try to claim myocarditis good news is bad news
Dr John Campbell – Brain injury or just more grifting?
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Dr John Campbell – Brain injury or just more grifting?
Oh No! I've been found out!
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Oh No! I've been found out!
Vitamin D, now conclusive that Dr John Campbell can’t critically assess a study
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Vitamin D, now conclusive that Dr John Campbell can’t critically assess a study
Is this the worst ANTIVAXXER paper ever?
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Is this the worst ANTIVAXXER paper ever?
2 NEW studies show that ANTIVAXXER excess death claims are false
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2 NEW studies show that ANTIVAXXER excess death claims are false
Fact checking Burzynski's Cancer Cure Claims
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Fact checking Burzynski's Cancer Cure Claims
Dr John Campbell combines deception with stupidity in Swindon videos
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Dr John Campbell combines deception with stupidity in Swindon videos
Steve Kirsch – the gym – and the flawed logic of ANTIVAXXERS
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Steve Kirsch – the gym – and the flawed logic of ANTIVAXXERS
Logical fallacies EXPOSED#7! Dr John Campbell’s appeal to tradition fallacy
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Logical fallacies EXPOSED#7! Dr John Campbell’s appeal to tradition fallacy
Australian ANTIVAXX senator is an embarrassment to Aussies
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Australian ANTIVAXX senator is an embarrassment to Aussies