क्या आप ने चेक किया? #trafficchallan #trafficchallanrates #shorts #viral #trending
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
क्या आप ने चेक किया? #trafficchallan #trafficchallanrates #shorts #viral #trending
क्या हारने वालों को अपील करनी चाहिए? #shorts #viral #trending
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
क्या हारने वालों को अपील करनी चाहिए? #shorts #viral #trending
Cheque bounce case latest judgement #cheques #shorts #viral #trendingshorts
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Cheque bounce case latest judgement #cheques #shorts #viral #trendingshorts
कुर्की और नीलामी में अंतर #auction
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
कुर्की और नीलामी में अंतर #auction
Traffic Challan Lok Adalat 2025 #lokadalat #trafficchallan #lokadalattoken #shorts #viral #trending
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Traffic Challan Lok Adalat 2025 #lokadalat #trafficchallan #lokadalattoken #shorts #viral #trending
100-200 ka chakkar 😀 #viralvideo #trending #shorts
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
100-200 ka chakkar 😀 #viralvideo #trending #shorts
Stay Order kaise milta hai? stay order on property #stayorder
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Stay Order kaise milta hai? stay order on property #stayorder
Misuse of Law #maintenance #shorts #viral #trending
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Misuse of Law #maintenance #shorts #viral #trending
सही सलाह आपको मुसीबत से बचाती है? #shorts #viral #trending #lawyer #lawyers
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
सही सलाह आपको मुसीबत से बचाती है? #shorts #viral #trending #lawyer #lawyers
Latest High Court judgment on witness of Will Deed #willdeed #witnessofwilldeed
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Latest High Court judgment on witness of Will Deed #willdeed #witnessofwilldeed
हाई कोर्ट का फैसला Risk of Agreement to Sell property 2024
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
हाई कोर्ट का फैसला Risk of Agreement to Sell property 2024
How to check Election Results ? #election #election2024 #shorts #viral #trending
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
How to check Election Results ? #election #election2024 #shorts #viral #trending
112 Helpline Number Benefit other than complaint | 112 help me #112 #112helpline
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
112 Helpline Number Benefit other than complaint | 112 help me #112 #112helpline
कितने नोटिस के बाद कोर्ट में जाना चाहिए? legal notice of bank loan #legalnotice #legal #bankloan
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
कितने नोटिस के बाद कोर्ट में जाना चाहिए? legal notice of bank loan #legalnotice #legal #bankloan
Lok Adalat me loan kaise maaf hota hai ? lok Adalat loan settlement
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Lok Adalat me loan kaise maaf hota hai ? lok Adalat loan settlement
जन्मतिथि बदलाव पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट का नया फैसला@EasyLawOcean date of birth change in documents
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
जन्मतिथि बदलाव पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट का नया फैसला@EasyLawOcean date of birth change in documents
Senior Citizen Card Benefits | Senior Citizen Card online apply 2024 | Senior Citizen Card in India
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Senior Citizen Card Benefits | Senior Citizen Card online apply 2024 | Senior Citizen Card in India
सीनियर सिटीजन की जमीन पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट का फैसला @EasyLawOcean  #seniorcitizens #maintenancecase
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
सीनियर सिटीजन की जमीन पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट का फैसला @EasyLawOcean #seniorcitizens #maintenancecase
Property Rights in India end | son right in father's property| daughter right in father's property
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Property Rights in India end | son right in father's property| daughter right in father's property
Transfer Petition in High Court in Matrimonial case #transferapplication #transferpetition
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Transfer Petition in High Court in Matrimonial case #transferapplication #transferpetition
Nominee vs Legal Heirs | Nominee kab owner ban jata hai?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Nominee vs Legal Heirs | Nominee kab owner ban jata hai?
Shamlat Land sale by Gram Panchayat | Latest High Court Judgment
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Shamlat Land sale by Gram Panchayat | Latest High Court Judgment
cheque Bounce Case me kaise bache ? #138niact #138case #chequebounce
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
cheque Bounce Case me kaise bache ? #138niact #138case #chequebounce
Mohan Shakti National Heritage Park, Himachal Pradesh, Advocate Deepak is live!
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Mohan Shakti National Heritage Park, Himachal Pradesh, Advocate Deepak is live!
चेक बाउंस केस में बरी Cheque Bounce Case Acquittal ground
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
चेक बाउंस केस में बरी Cheque Bounce Case Acquittal ground
Ex Parte Order kab hota hai? समन भेजने के तरीके
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Ex Parte Order kab hota hai? समन भेजने के तरीके
Will Deed : 10 points of valid will deed in the court case
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Will Deed : 10 points of valid will deed in the court case
what is Electoral Bond ? #electoralbonds
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
what is Electoral Bond ? #electoralbonds
इस बात का ध्यान जरूर रखें #26january #26januarystatus #tiranga #republicday #shorts  #short #ytshort
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
इस बात का ध्यान जरूर रखें #26january #26januarystatus #tiranga #republicday #shorts #short #ytshort
26 January status #26january #26januarystatus #26januarywhatsappstatus #constitutionofindia
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
26 January status #26january #26januarystatus #26januarywhatsappstatus #constitutionofindia
क्या आप रेल में सफर करते हैं? रेलवे से मुवावजा पर बड़ा फैसला
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
क्या आप रेल में सफर करते हैं? रेलवे से मुवावजा पर बड़ा फैसला
पूरे देश के सभी कोर्ट को निर्देश मेन्टेन्स केस बारे । Maintenance Case in family court JMFC court
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
पूरे देश के सभी कोर्ट को निर्देश मेन्टेन्स केस बारे । Maintenance Case in family court JMFC court
क्या गाँव में आपकी जमीन है? शामलात देह पर कब्ज़ा खाली पर अहम आदेश
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
क्या गाँव में आपकी जमीन है? शामलात देह पर कब्ज़ा खाली पर अहम आदेश
What is Parole and Furlough ? पैरोल क्या होती है? पैरोल और फरलो
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
What is Parole and Furlough ? पैरोल क्या होती है? पैरोल और फरलो
First Party Third Party Insurance Kya hota hai? Third party Insurance claim
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
First Party Third Party Insurance Kya hota hai? Third party Insurance claim
We hit 49,000 subscribers on YouTube #viral #subscribers #ytshorts #hardwork #livesubscribercounts
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
We hit 49,000 subscribers on YouTube #viral #subscribers #ytshorts #hardwork #livesubscribercounts
सावधान ! रेल से यात्रा करने वालों के लिए जरुरी जानकारी | Indian Railway me dhyan rakhna
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
सावधान ! रेल से यात्रा करने वालों के लिए जरुरी जानकारी | Indian Railway me dhyan rakhna
How to Claim Car Insurance in Flood Water?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
How to Claim Car Insurance in Flood Water?
Latest Supreme Court Judgement on 498A
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Latest Supreme Court Judgement on 498A
Latest judgement on Child Custody in India | child Custody law in hindi India
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Latest judgement on Child Custody in India | child Custody law in hindi India
Agreement to sell/Power of Attorney is not document of title: Supreme Court
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Agreement to sell/Power of Attorney is not document of title: Supreme Court
Can CHAT GPT replace LAWYERS in court?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Can CHAT GPT replace LAWYERS in court?
Stamp paper par Jamin kharidne ke faide nuksaan , Agreement to sell , Sale Agreement
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Stamp paper par Jamin kharidne ke faide nuksaan , Agreement to sell , Sale Agreement
Senior Citizens के लिए विशेष कानून । Senior Citizens Act
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Senior Citizens के लिए विशेष कानून । Senior Citizens Act
WhatsApp money asking scam 2023 #whatsappscam
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
WhatsApp money asking scam 2023 #whatsappscam
स्टे आर्डर की अवज्ञा पर कोर्ट कितनी सज़ा कर सकता है? Order 39 Rule 2A CPC Stay order on property
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
स्टे आर्डर की अवज्ञा पर कोर्ट कितनी सज़ा कर सकता है? Order 39 Rule 2A CPC Stay order on property
Stamp Act ka case kaise jeetein?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Stamp Act ka case kaise jeetein?
कम स्टाम्प लगाने का रजिस्ट्री पर क्या असर होता है? deficit stap duty
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
कम स्टाम्प लगाने का रजिस्ट्री पर क्या असर होता है? deficit stap duty
Ex Parte Order ke baad kitne din me case khatam hota hai? #exparte #exparteorder #expartedecree
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Ex Parte Order ke baad kitne din me case khatam hota hai? #exparte #exparteorder #expartedecree
Court se original document vapis kaise le? How to return original document from court file?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Court se original document vapis kaise le? How to return original document from court file?
बंटवारे के केस में नक्शा पर ऐतराज कैसे करें? How to file objections in Partition Case?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
बंटवारे के केस में नक्शा पर ऐतराज कैसे करें? How to file objections in Partition Case?
जमीन से हाईवे निकलने के नुकसान।
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
जमीन से हाईवे निकलने के नुकसान।
झगड़ालू पड़ोसी को सबक कैसे सिखाये ?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
झगड़ालू पड़ोसी को सबक कैसे सिखाये ?
बिना हाथा पाई खेत के पड़ोसी को सबक कैसे सिखाये? Khet ke jhagdalu padosi ko sabak kaise sikhaye
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
बिना हाथा पाई खेत के पड़ोसी को सबक कैसे सिखाये? Khet ke jhagdalu padosi ko sabak kaise sikhaye
ex parte in cpc | ex parte kaise hota hai ?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
ex parte in cpc | ex parte kaise hota hai ?
Defamation case in IPC 499-500 | Defamation punishment| what is Defamation ?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Defamation case in IPC 499-500 | Defamation punishment| what is Defamation ?
Lawyer - Advocate - Barrister - Attorney difference in Hindi
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Lawyer - Advocate - Barrister - Attorney difference in Hindi
Power of Attorney kya hota hai, Power of attorney for property, general power of attorney
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Power of Attorney kya hota hai, Power of attorney for property, general power of attorney
रजिस्ट्री को कमजोर करने वाली 5 गलतियां Precautions in registration of Sale Deed
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
रजिस्ट्री को कमजोर करने वाली 5 गलतियां Precautions in registration of Sale Deed
Divorce case in court | Validity of Divorce case outside court
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Divorce case in court | Validity of Divorce case outside court
Sale Deed vs Jamabandi कौन सा मजबूत दस्तावेज?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Sale Deed vs Jamabandi कौन सा मजबूत दस्तावेज?
एकतरफा गवाही कैसे होती है? Ex parte Evidence in court
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
एकतरफा गवाही कैसे होती है? Ex parte Evidence in court
चेक बाउंस केस में सज़ा। Problem in Cheque bounce case in Hindi
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
चेक बाउंस केस में सज़ा। Problem in Cheque bounce case in Hindi
Gram Panchayat ki jameen per Kabja to ownership kiski?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Gram Panchayat ki jameen per Kabja to ownership kiski?
Lok Adalat me case kaise dispose hote hai? Lok Adalat kya hai?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Lok Adalat me case kaise dispose hote hai? Lok Adalat kya hai?
Handwriting finger print expert evidence in court
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Handwriting finger print expert evidence in court
Ex parte Order Civil Procedure Code | ex parte meaning | Set aside Ex Parte Order
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Ex parte Order Civil Procedure Code | ex parte meaning | Set aside Ex Parte Order
Difference between Agreement of Sale and Sale Deed
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Difference between Agreement of Sale and Sale Deed
How to challenge will deed in India? will deed kya hota hai?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
How to challenge will deed in India? will deed kya hota hai?
Partition Case in Hindi
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Partition Case in Hindi
lok adalat in Hindi
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
lok adalat in Hindi
will deed in India
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
will deed in India
Compensation to Victims of Airplane crash Supreme Court Judgement
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Compensation to Victims of Airplane crash Supreme Court Judgement
Channel Introduction Video
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Channel Introduction Video
Cheque Bounce case in hindi | procedure for FIR
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Cheque Bounce case in hindi | procedure for FIR
Special Girdawari kya hoti hai? विशेष गिरदावरी क्या होती है?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Special Girdawari kya hoti hai? विशेष गिरदावरी क्या होती है?
Succession certificate kaise banaye ? Succession certificate court fees ?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Succession certificate kaise banaye ? Succession certificate court fees ?
Bantware ke case me kya problem hoti hai? Partition case problems explained
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Bantware ke case me kya problem hoti hai? Partition case problems explained
इंतकाल के प्रकार और इसकी जरूरत क्यों है? Different types of mutation? #mutations #intkaal
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
इंतकाल के प्रकार और इसकी जरूरत क्यों है? Different types of mutation? #mutations #intkaal
Finance Company vehicle vehicle seize karke sale kare toh kya kare?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Finance Company vehicle vehicle seize karke sale kare toh kya kare?
Court summons aane par kya kare ?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Court summons aane par kya kare ?
Important Information of cheque Bounce case in hindi #chequebouncecase #chequebounce
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Important Information of cheque Bounce case in hindi #chequebouncecase #chequebounce
Collector Rate kya hota hai? Market Rate aur Collector Rate me kya fark hai?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Collector Rate kya hota hai? Market Rate aur Collector Rate me kya fark hai?
फर्द जमाबन्दी इंतकाल रजिस्ट्री ROR आदि में उर्दू फ़ारसी शब्दों की कहानी
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
फर्द जमाबन्दी इंतकाल रजिस्ट्री ROR आदि में उर्दू फ़ारसी शब्दों की कहानी
Bantware ke case me pesh na hone se kya nuksaan hai
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Bantware ke case me pesh na hone se kya nuksaan hai
Vehicle Sale on Simple Sale Letter
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Vehicle Sale on Simple Sale Letter
बंटवारा ना करवाने से ज़मीन कम कैसे होती है?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
बंटवारा ना करवाने से ज़मीन कम कैसे होती है?
Important rules of Joint property for every co sharer
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Important rules of Joint property for every co sharer
वसीयत को साबित करने की समस्या का हल ? Proving WILL  when attesting witness is not alive
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
वसीयत को साबित करने की समस्या का हल ? Proving WILL when attesting witness is not alive
Lok Adalat vs Permanent Lok Adalat
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Lok Adalat vs Permanent Lok Adalat
Joint property वाले सावधान। Important judgement on Joint Property
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Joint property वाले सावधान। Important judgement on Joint Property
Legal Status Sale of Deed after Stay order | stay order on property in India
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Legal Status Sale of Deed after Stay order | stay order on property in India
Can Police Arrest Army personnel ? #soldier #arrest क्या पुलिस सैनिक को गिरफ्तार कर सकती है?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Can Police Arrest Army personnel ? #soldier #arrest क्या पुलिस सैनिक को गिरफ्तार कर सकती है?
वसीयत गुम हो जाने पर क्या करें ? #willdeed #will
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
वसीयत गुम हो जाने पर क्या करें ? #willdeed #will
Disposed case ki file ke sath kya hota hai?
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Disposed case ki file ke sath kya hota hai?
498a case against husband and his family
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
498a case against husband and his family
High Court Latest order of protection petition filed by son against mother
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
High Court Latest order of protection petition filed by son against mother
Ancestral property vs Self acquired property पैतृक संपत्ति और स्यवं अर्जित सम्पति में फर्क
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
Ancestral property vs Self acquired property पैतृक संपत्ति और स्यवं अर्जित सम्पति में फर्क
llb ki full form kya hai? एल एल बी की फुल फॉर्म क्या है? llb ka full meaning
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
llb ki full form kya hai? एल एल बी की फुल फॉर्म क्या है? llb ka full meaning
पैतृक संपत्ति के 5 नए नियम New Rules regardingAncestral Property
Easy Law Ocean - Advocate Deepak
पैतृक संपत्ति के 5 नए नियम New Rules regardingAncestral Property