Flowers, fashion, and farm life—because why choose just one?
Upendo Estates Farm
Flowers, fashion, and farm life—because why choose just one?
"The seed they tried to bury" I told myself this year I'd share more of my poetry. Maybe one day!
Upendo Estates Farm
"The seed they tried to bury" I told myself this year I'd share more of my poetry. Maybe one day!
Black Girl Farm Adventures: The Storm, The Cabins & The Reality of Running It All! ⛈️🏡
Upendo Estates Farm
Black Girl Farm Adventures: The Storm, The Cabins & The Reality of Running It All! ⛈️🏡
Black girl farm Adventures
Upendo Estates Farm
Black girl farm Adventures
Black girl farm Adventures! #baddiefarmer #gardening #farmfashion #animalfarm
Upendo Estates Farm
Black girl farm Adventures! #baddiefarmer #gardening #farmfashion #animalfarm
Baddie Farmer’s " Back that yolk up" & Shake for a Carton Giveaway Think you got moves?
Upendo Estates Farm
Baddie Farmer’s " Back that yolk up" & Shake for a Carton Giveaway Think you got moves?
Y'all keep asking for abehind-the-scenes look at my farm life--so here it is!
Upendo Estates Farm
Y'all keep asking for abehind-the-scenes look at my farm life--so here it is!
POV: Farmers are UP right now thanks to these egg 🥚 prices. Back that yolk up 💪
Upendo Estates Farm
POV: Farmers are UP right now thanks to these egg 🥚 prices. Back that yolk up 💪
Here are my farm’s TOP 4 seed-starting hacks to get your garden poppin’ without breaking the bank!
Upendo Estates Farm
Here are my farm’s TOP 4 seed-starting hacks to get your garden poppin’ without breaking the bank!
No Valentine, but today? I chose love. I picked flowers I grew & set up a kissing booth
Upendo Estates Farm
No Valentine, but today? I chose love. I picked flowers I grew & set up a kissing booth
🌿✨ Grow Your Hair & Your Garden – DIY Hair Care Straight from Nature! 💆🏾‍♀️
Upendo Estates Farm
🌿✨ Grow Your Hair & Your Garden – DIY Hair Care Straight from Nature! 💆🏾‍♀️
Eggs collected, history dropped, it’s officially seed poppin’ season! 🌱✨ so ready for MUSHROOMS!
Upendo Estates Farm
Eggs collected, history dropped, it’s officially seed poppin’ season! 🌱✨ so ready for MUSHROOMS!
Gardeners, grow your own lung detox too! 🌿💨 These plants will heal your lungs 🫁
Upendo Estates Farm
Gardeners, grow your own lung detox too! 🌿💨 These plants will heal your lungs 🫁
Farm life isn’t just about growing food—it’s about growing beauty, too! Here are my Fave beauty tips
Upendo Estates Farm
Farm life isn’t just about growing food—it’s about growing beauty, too! Here are my Fave beauty tips
🍓 Strawberry season is loading! 🍓 Here's a sign to start growing your own!
Upendo Estates Farm
🍓 Strawberry season is loading! 🍓 Here's a sign to start growing your own!
🖤🌱❤️💚 Kicking off Black History Month by honoring the Black farmers, beekeepers who came before us.
Upendo Estates Farm
🖤🌱❤️💚 Kicking off Black History Month by honoring the Black farmers, beekeepers who came before us.
No land? No excuses! 🌱 You can grow food anywhere—here’s how!
Upendo Estates Farm
No land? No excuses! 🌱 You can grow food anywhere—here’s how!
You wanna start growing food but got $0?I got you! Here are 5 ways to get FREE seeds & start farming
Upendo Estates Farm
You wanna start growing food but got $0?I got you! Here are 5 ways to get FREE seeds & start farming
Watch how @MicrosoftWindows helps me bring a farm-to-table experience with my honey & Copilot+ PC
Upendo Estates Farm
Watch how @MicrosoftWindows helps me bring a farm-to-table experience with my honey & Copilot+ PC
Things to sell on your homestead! #farmtips #homesteading #blackfarmer
Upendo Estates Farm
Things to sell on your homestead! #farmtips #homesteading #blackfarmer
How to grow food broke? A library card is your FREE Black card to seeds & farming knowledge! 🌱✨
Upendo Estates Farm
How to grow food broke? A library card is your FREE Black card to seeds & farming knowledge! 🌱✨
Homesteading & Garden hacks from a black girl farmer 👩🏾‍🌾💋  #Homesteading #gardenhacks #farmtips
Upendo Estates Farm
Homesteading & Garden hacks from a black girl farmer 👩🏾‍🌾💋 #Homesteading #gardenhacks #farmtips
Check out how my Copilot+ PC and @windows boost productivity on my farm and help with beekeeping!
Upendo Estates Farm
Check out how my Copilot+ PC and @windows boost productivity on my farm and help with beekeeping!
Yall asked to see our Farm Products! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals #selfsustainable
Upendo Estates Farm
Yall asked to see our Farm Products! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals #selfsustainable
Farm chores & answers to your most asked questions! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmstand
Upendo Estates Farm
Farm chores & answers to your most asked questions! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmstand
This is my favorite time of the year at the farm! #mushroomfarmer #chanterellemushrooms  #foraging
Upendo Estates Farm
This is my favorite time of the year at the farm! #mushroomfarmer #chanterellemushrooms #foraging
Farm chores! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmstand #veggiegarden #alpaca #farmchores #farmanimals
Upendo Estates Farm
Farm chores! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmstand #veggiegarden #alpaca #farmchores #farmanimals
Farm restock! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmchores #farmstand #restock #veggiegarden #farmtotable
Upendo Estates Farm
Farm restock! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmchores #farmstand #restock #veggiegarden #farmtotable
Farm Princess Benefits! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals
Upendo Estates Farm
Farm Princess Benefits! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals
Miss honey's cottage was a DREAM growing up ❤ #blackfarmer #farmlife #misshoney #homesteading
Upendo Estates Farm
Miss honey's cottage was a DREAM growing up ❤ #blackfarmer #farmlife #misshoney #homesteading
How to score free plants! #blackfarmer #planttips #selfsustainable #growfood #brokegardening
Upendo Estates Farm
How to score free plants! #blackfarmer #planttips #selfsustainable #growfood #brokegardening
Black girl Farming adventures #blackfarmer #Farmchores #animalfarm #farmanimals
Upendo Estates Farm
Black girl Farming adventures #blackfarmer #Farmchores #animalfarm #farmanimals
You dont need land to grow food! #blackfarmer #growfood #containergardening #selfsustainable
Upendo Estates Farm
You dont need land to grow food! #blackfarmer #growfood #containergardening #selfsustainable
"Baddie Farmer" is a state of mind! #blackfarmer #selfsustainable #baddiefarmer
Upendo Estates Farm
"Baddie Farmer" is a state of mind! #blackfarmer #selfsustainable #baddiefarmer
Growing food doesn't have to be expensive! #blackfarmer #selfsustainable #gardenhack #growfood
Upendo Estates Farm
Growing food doesn't have to be expensive! #blackfarmer #selfsustainable #gardenhack #growfood
Why isn't this knowledge accesible to the people? #blackfarmer #blackforager #selfsustainable
Upendo Estates Farm
Why isn't this knowledge accesible to the people? #blackfarmer #blackforager #selfsustainable
A Poopologist if you will 😂😉#blackfarmer #selfsustainable #growfood #fertilizer #gardenhacks
Upendo Estates Farm
A Poopologist if you will 😂😉#blackfarmer #selfsustainable #growfood #fertilizer #gardenhacks
Farmstand chores! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals #farmstand #restock
Upendo Estates Farm
Farmstand chores! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals #farmstand #restock
Alpacas are my FAVORITE farm animal, i love my job🥺🥰 #alpaca #blackfarmer #farmlife
Upendo Estates Farm
Alpacas are my FAVORITE farm animal, i love my job🥺🥰 #alpaca #blackfarmer #farmlife
Tea Time with Chickens! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals #funnyanimal #urbanfarming
Upendo Estates Farm
Tea Time with Chickens! #blackfarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals #funnyanimal #urbanfarming
Garden NOPES! Hornworms are a major garden ICK! #blackfarmer #planttips  #gardenhacks #hornworm
Upendo Estates Farm
Garden NOPES! Hornworms are a major garden ICK! #blackfarmer #planttips #gardenhacks #hornworm
My farm is melting #blackfarmer #selfsustainable #farmchores #baddiefarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals
Upendo Estates Farm
My farm is melting #blackfarmer #selfsustainable #farmchores #baddiefarmer #animalfarm #farmanimals
Just in case 😉 IYKYK #thriftygardenhacks #blackfarmer #selfsustainable #growfood
Upendo Estates Farm
Just in case 😉 IYKYK #thriftygardenhacks #blackfarmer #selfsustainable #growfood
thrifty gardening hacks #thriftygardeninghacks #blackfarmer  #veggiegarden #containergarden
Upendo Estates Farm
thrifty gardening hacks #thriftygardeninghacks #blackfarmer #veggiegarden #containergarden
Advice from a Farmer on growing potatoes 🥔 #blackfarmer #containergarden #veggiegarden #howtogarden
Upendo Estates Farm
Advice from a Farmer on growing potatoes 🥔 #blackfarmer #containergarden #veggiegarden #howtogarden
Farmstand stocking & products part 1 #blackfarmer #farmstand #selfsustainable #farmlife
Upendo Estates Farm
Farmstand stocking & products part 1 #blackfarmer #farmstand #selfsustainable #farmlife
Farms aint all roses sometimes its snakes & bug bites🤣 #blackfarmer #alpaca #chickensnakes #farmlife
Upendo Estates Farm
Farms aint all roses sometimes its snakes & bug bites🤣 #blackfarmer #alpaca #chickensnakes #farmlife
A hard day of Farm work 😉💃 #blackfarmer #farmchores #funnyanimals #alpaca #milliondollarbaby
Upendo Estates Farm
A hard day of Farm work 😉💃 #blackfarmer #farmchores #funnyanimals #alpaca #milliondollarbaby
I'm a Baddie Farmer 👩🏾‍🌾💋🌱 #blackfarmer #baddiefarmer #farmchores
Upendo Estates Farm
I'm a Baddie Farmer 👩🏾‍🌾💋🌱 #blackfarmer #baddiefarmer #farmchores
Nature Inspired Christmas gifts from your favorite black girl farmer- Farm vlog
Upendo Estates Farm
Nature Inspired Christmas gifts from your favorite black girl farmer- Farm vlog
Crazy Farm story
Upendo Estates Farm
Crazy Farm story
What is the Upendo Estates?
Upendo Estates Farm
What is the Upendo Estates?