
The huge arachnid seemed to be motionless. I think that it was a model/carving stuck to the tree as a prank.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Why is no one else dying from laughter at the little girl saying that she believes more in Aliens then she does in God!!! That is definitely the best reaction to a possible UFO EVER!


#5  looks like a wild boar. 🙄


the spider looks to be part of the ride they’re on. kind of like the old “Prehistoric Forest” style attractions.


In the first video I’m sure it’s just a damn wild boar


"I believe in aliens more than God..."
-Randon little British girl.


i see a wild boar not really a lion. although, i feel like ive seen a clearer version of the Dartmoor beast in the past.


I love Sir Spooks, but man I'll be damned if the quality of the clips isn't going downhill a tad.


@ 3:55 Little Girl:

"I believe in aliens more than God!"

LMAO!! That has me dying!!


I have a lot of experience hunting wild hogs - and that's what the creature in the video looks like. A really big wild hog.


I love it when ghost hunters manage to capture "paranormal activity" and then they bolt 😂


Love how "Ghost hunters" almost hurt themselves on even the slightest bit of paranormal activity. 😹


"I believe in Aliens more than god" Caught me so off guard and got a solid laugh outta me

Also, the "Warning for Arachnophobia" while displaying a spider up close so it looks gigantic also got a laugh from me, similar to if you warned squeamish people about blood while showing a live surgery before the clip.


Number 3 boy that rocking chair would of scared the heck out of me


the little kid in the background of the second clip(the UFO)......"I believe in aliens more than god." hahaha made me lol


my estimate for # 4 is a large shiny mylar balloon floating up and away slowly. no sudden changes in altitude or location. simply floating away through some low clouds with the sun reflecting off it...


The last one at The Alchemist Theater in Wisconsin...he makes the comment about the only people that should be here are the ones that live upstairs. He was hearing them all the while he was in the theater....to find out that the people upstairs WERE GONE. He was apparently hearing SOMETHING ELSE.


Low quality and old videos! Low resolution = higher chance to mistake seeing something. Thats why half these videos exist.


Why do people still own rocking chairs! You're just asking for a ghost to come in and take a seat, they love em😂


Not only am I watching on a Full Screen. I'm also watching at Night, Alone and while Eating a Sandwich 😌