Oj den första raden stämmer precis in på mig, hoppas verkligen att den andra kortraden slår in! 🤗 ✨
Hello ❤ Been listening and watching your videos for sometime now all the way from the UK. You're very intuitive and I love the way you speak along with present the cards and messages. Thank you for being here x
Tuning in from South Florida.
Sunflowers are my fav !
I'm Virgo with Taurus husband. He was the one gaslight, kept being broke until i took control of finances and he didn't communicate or open but childish. I'm also stubborn but sid nit want to mess up again. Now your Taurus reading is awesome I hope for the best and he can change and open. We are both unsure but we'll see if it'll work out after being together 14 yrs. Thank you
Roanoke , Virginia ~Love you!! ❤
Virgo Sun and Moon with a Libra Rising - you are speaking to my core right now! Thank you for sharing your gift!
many thanks from Toronto , Canada ❤♍️🙏🌹
This!! I will grow where I am planted! It's happening ❤
Wow, this really resonated with me!!! Spot on!
Tuning in from Phoenix, Az. :) Thanks for your messages ❤
Your reading resonates with me , I claim & received it 🤲🏾 I just conducted a job interview and I pray I get the job . Thanks 🙏 🤍
Vedic ♍️☀️, ♎️ ⬆️, ♊️🌕 I actually think Vedic is a lot more accurate than western astrology
Omg. I just now saw this. Thank you so much for doing this reading for us ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I claim it🎉 been through alot transformation is needed
My children have decided to estrange themselves from me and have now chosen to honour their abusive dad that beat one of my children through her crib at 3 months old 😭 he served time in prison and has a criminal record … my daughters all suffered abuse from him and were threatened that if they told me he’d deal with them. When I found out about his abuse I packed up my children with just the clothes on our backs and started over with them. They now are doing excellent in their lives all have high wage jobs, own their homes and doing well. My child that turned to him was the one that had a broken femur when he smashed her through her crib at 3 months old and was sentenced to jail time! She has pulled her siblings into her web… so I resonate fully with this read because I have chosen to place myself first and foremost in a healthy stress free environment! Thank you so much for this read 🙏🌺🙏♥️
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