My takeaway: 1. Use cover be protected and for reloading 2. Learn pacing of hero cooldown cycles 3. Tanks are tanky, play the map instead of fighting front to back 4. Turn around and check for teammates before engaging 5. Don’t tunnel on kills and ignore objectives 6. Pay attention to pacing of ultimates, and pushing the attack while also knowing when to play passively to control space, understand who will be the highest target in any situation and play appropriately around it
Smooth editing, clear and concise information, top level talent. What else can you ask for, THANK YOU!
Such a great way to bring it to us. Realistically saying, 'You're going to do it wrong, and that's okay' and understanding it's easier said than done at first. Makes us feel less like idiots
Hey guys, this video took a ton of work so leaving a like and comment will help a TON for getting it into the algorithm. Much love everyone, looking forward to hearing about the climb 🎓 If you are interested in paid coaching check out my discord and find the coaching channel for more info (Limited weekly slots): 🎥 Link to my Patreon for Coaching Content
About as good as an OW2 guide can get. For all of our sakes, I hope more people see this, because we could all use teammates that understand these things. Great video.
This video is a MUST WATCH for new and veteran players alike. Really well made - 10/10 🤝
7:40 thank you for this. As a new player who is a support main, I feel this so much. My main game is Valo and I thought people were bad at admitting their mistakes in that game, but it's on a completely different level in OW. Supports get blamed and insulted for EVERYTHING. Really making me lose any enjoyment I have in this game.
As soon as you mentioned corners I knew this would be a good video. Coming back to OverWatch after 2 years and seeing less shields I knew that environmental cover would be more important than it already was. I'm a little rusty so I catch myself out in the open sometimes. But this is such an important concept so good job.
a10 you seriously inspire me as an ow player but also as a teacher! your lessons are concise and informative and your graphs and diagrams are soooo clean and helpful! I try to emulate your work when I teach students in all subjects
I really loved your ending remarks! Too many times, I and many others quit early or get frustrated by doing it differently and sink back into that urge of doing things how we used to. However, we miss the opportunity to learn and grow by continuing to try! This is the first time I've watched your videos and it will not be the last! You are such an empathetic and phenomenal teacher <3 Thank you so much for such an insightful video!
Hard stuck silver and after playing on and off for around a year and implementing your tips just hit T500 on dps today!
People underestimate the power of watching guides like these. Generally speaking they are usually a waste of time and not worth the time, but with overwatch there are so many strategies to apply to your technique. It is probably one of the few if not only FPS games that mechanical skill alone is not enough and you need to understand game mechanics in terms of positioning and movement etc.
My very little experience in Valorant taught me the importance of corners real quick. And once I returned to OW, I found myself using corners and line of sight blockers so much more than I had when I started. The corners and sightlines of a map are so incredibly important.
One time, I watched A10 in an unranked to GM. He took an angle I never thought of holding and it was just nasty. Shortly after I found myself in the same situation and thought, “I don’t have A10 aim, but I think I can hit those shots.” They couldn’t push me out for 2 mins. edit:
I started applying these concepts to my matches this week and I went from Gold 3 on tank to Diamond 5 in two days. I think I went 28-5 in that stretch. Amazing video! :)
I definitely relate to the tip about turning around... I remember matches just from today where I made the mistake of assuming my teammates were there to assist (and then paid the price). Great video!
This video editing just give me so many flashbacks and references to other very popular videos that I enjoy. Not only was this educational, this was actually quite entertaining. Thank you!
Really nice video! I like that you pointed out the mental factors. People usually should focus on their own gameplay otherwise they will never be able to climb to their peak, and that they have to stick with it even if they do mistakes and get demotivated.
This video just made so many things click for me, like the concept of flanking properly, and I ready feel an improvement in my own games, so thank you!