4:25 Marisa "To my" yeah sounds like your a huge fan
0:13 i instantly subscribed.
6:44 why thor is knocked out by taser sum in his neck when he's a god of thunder ??
Dr. Strange vs Ebony Maw and Strange vs Thanos are perfect examples of styles make fights
0:36 To the contrary, actually. The X-Men Quicksilver moves at around 8000 times the speed of sound. Apocalypse's power is simply so incredible that he was able to see QUICKSILVER moving in slow motion. Also, this fight was bs, the dirt isn't that tough and Quicksilver can pretty much slow time (he stands still several times while everything still being slow motion.) so he could've just punched the dirt.
Bro Drax was hammered. Superman was kryptonite gassed and holding way the f back. Deadpool vs Colossus was perfect. Fisk vs Frank was perfect. Anything Thanos is YES. Kryptonite… again.. Wanda destruction is a YES! Bane for sure.
Worst. Reed. Richards. EVER!!! Seriously, he should've stayed in the Office...
Hello TV regent and also I really want to know who your favourite Marvel character is?🤔 Mine is by far Iron Man
Obi-wan let Vader kill him.
Can you make one for super villians
Drax was actually tone down a lot.
Obviously he can't adapt to his own energy 🤫
This video would be 10 times better if there wasn’t pointless narration
Everybody knows that Hulk is Trash! So no wonder!!