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North Korea: We have a brand new super duper submarine!
South Korea: We have a fishing net with it's name all over it!


The NK sub is almost as round as Kim Jong Un.


Man, it'd be such a shame if it went out on its maiden journey and then never returned and it's so high tech stealthy "no one" knew what happened to it.


We love seeing your videos, thank you for all of your hard work and talent! It’s a good day when there’s a new Task & Purpose video 😊


Given the fact that their missiles severely struggle to cover long distance, I'm not entirely surprised they would think to use subs to bring them closer.


Im starting to suspect most of their military equipment is just spray painted propane tanks of assorted sizes.


Slight clarification: Diesel boats are loud when running their diesel engines on the surface. When underwater and running on batteries they are very quiet. This isn't really relevant in a ballistic missile sub since their main value is in how long they can lurk on station, but diesel attack subs can be very troublesome to surface ships because of how quiet they can be on battery.


Be waiting for the "New NK sub sinks with all hands"...


As an Australian, our experience is it is no easy task to  build quality subs. I have  very little confidence in the capabilities of this boat.


"welcome home honey what did you catch today?"
"something very big"
"oooh was it tuna?"
"nah,north korean submarine"


Bruh that submarine will be puffing and wheezing smoke while its old farts light up American and South Korean sonars like a Christmas trees


They say the only thing that limits a submarine staying under water is the food supply.  North Korea has figured out this issue.


I'm pretty sure there's a sonar operator somewhere, doing their sneaky hush hush old fashion espionage, who already knows how this thing sounds from 20 miles away. It's a modified Romeo class, that's still a '50s technology limitation. Even the newer ones China built in the '80s were pretty noisy according to a squid friend of mine. Soviet sub designs weren't known for their stealthy acoustic signature design.


So I keep seeing people make the claim that nuclear subs are louder than subs running on battery, and that is not entirely true. Certain reactor plants are designed to operate on natural circulation alone for answering low rpm bells. This means the reactor coolant pumps, which are the loudest part of the sub, are turned off. This capability makes them quiet as a diesel on battery.


I was station in Camp Stanley in South Korea back in 2016. This was in Area four by the DMZ. Yeah, we went on a lot of alerts and battle ready testing that year. I cannot say much due to security but I can confirm that we did went on alert for weeks during the North Korea missile test between them and Japan. A lot of meetings were done and I remember one of my buddies wanting us to get battle ready even for just an hour to get that deployment patch of 2ID. Overall, that year was stressful because of the South Korea protest, South Korea and North Korea taunting each other on Kim birthday, the missile test, and many more.


South Korea literally recovered the parts of the torpedo North Korea used to sink the Cheonan. You can see them in their military museum in Seoul.


"It doesn't take mines to make a minefield. It only takes a press release."


Those Romeos are so old that firings of missiles would probably knock all the Bondo off the hull and sink it.


The comedy skills of Cappy have been the linchpin for me. Hats off to the quick gold at 8:30 ! Great show well done sir