
You sure are one dedicated, hard-working lady.


"buy everything and return the rest" is the greatest plumbing instruction in the history of plumbing

and instructions


Happy to hear you made it through the storm safely.


As someone who works returns at Home Depot, I agree: buy all sorts of stuff and return what you don’t need. (Just have receipts, your credit/debit card, or pro account number and pay attention to the return window. The returns registers are quite picky about that.)

And having water is exciting!


Anne, your energy, enthusiasm and smiles make this a fun video. Blessings to you.


Just subscribed after your battery/gas tool video and this video hits close to home... Our water comes from a converted oil well and I've no idea how far down the plug is. Our Pressure tank and pump controls are inside the converted septic tank/storm shelter and the 1" galvanized line T's off to the barn which is 100 yards downhill from the farm house power and storm shelter/well house... Pressure was great at the barn 20 years ago but has slowed down to a trickle. Which makes watering horses an issue.


I grew up around a LOT of artesian wells - very good water, lots of iron where we were.
I suggest that you use the triangle thingy you used for the swales to make your tanks on the same elevation as the well. Use gravity and the artesian pressure to full the tanks automagically with the shutoff floats, and a ball valve for when that area is not in rotation. Then you could use your portable pump to water plants and such when/if needed.


Great idea. I think I would zip tie the tubing to the fence to keep it off the ground from the cows.  I'm so excited about the quick attach fittings. Keep on keeping on


Glad y’all are safe from the tornado. Prayers for all those who lost loved ones in those tornadoes.


You might want to look into Ram Pumps.  They are water pumps that do not require electricity.  There is a really good channel on YouTube that shows how to make Ram Pumps, using basic plumbing parts.  The name of the channel is "Land to House".  Hope this helps!


“But we’re not going to care about that right now.” Famous last words friend! 😅


We had a well dug. First attempt was 472 feet that ended in a second cave filled with red clay that nearly sucked in the drill head permanently into the ground. The second attempt ended at 985 feet that included 979 feet of solid stone! …and you hit an artesian well! Wow!!!


I love the Adam looking out for your dignity with the hole in your pants and you turn it into a teaching moment on ingenuity/conservation/repair - love you guys and the content! Congratulations on the water success and glad the tornado wasn’t a big problem for y’all - stay safe!


It’s so good to see you so happy about something that went right for a change.  I’m so glad to hear that you had minimal damage from the tornadoes. I thought of you when I was watching CNN the other night.


I only watch your videos to hear your Fred Flinstone running sound FX.  lol   Also, the piggy plus bentonite clay trick saved more than a few farms back in the day. Good job!


Due to all the holiday distractions I was unable to watch TV. Today I am catching up with all my YouTube friends. Anne and Adam and family... Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year. I loved your song "I'll lose". You put 99.98 per cent (think: Ivory bar of soap) of yourself into the universe that you make our hearts float. Growing up in New Hampshire for the Summers we had no running water only a hand sink pump. So on Saturday this was during the summer everyone used to head to the pond with their bar of Ivory soap to wash down wash their hair to get ready for church on Sunday very small community up in New Hampshire as we all went to the same Little White Church in the valley.❤❤


lol… carrying buckets to a never ending series of educational (and financial draining) and experience gaining opportunities. Explosive!


You could always use some RV water pumps to pressurize your pipes. A simple solar system should be enough to run the RV water pump. I have a pump in my remote cabin that is capable of 5 GPM @ 55 PSI......it was under $200.....and it turns on and off based on the water pressure.


You are doing such a great job despite the diff hiccups (e.g. hand, cost, red tape). I wish you would not be so self deprecating (even if joking). Words are powerful and you have come along way and are teaching/inspiring us so much 😊


As she rides off into the sunset on her mighty steed.  Thanks for the video.