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Am I the only one that thinks it's utterly hilarious for Denmark to be worried about invading Russians to just have their territory plucked by their "greatest ally?" 😂


There is an Italian proverb that says "Chi pecora si fa, lupo se lo mangia"...that is if someone is behaving like a sheep, the wolf is going to eat it. I hope that now European politicians wake up and understand who is the real enemy.


Europe would have been well advised to maintain friendship with Russia rather than to become the doormat of the US.  Now it is being treated like the doormat it is.


Danish P.M. Fredericksen should recall Henry Kissinger's words:    To be an enemy of the US is dangerous;  to be a friend of the US is fatal.


We're not out of the woods yet but if the military aid to Ukraine has ceased, then I will drink to that. Well done Mr Trump.


Alexander, your integrity is beyond question. I am grateful for an analyst who is so circumspect in his reporting.


I’m amazed at you ability to give a lecture of an hour and a half and it all makes sense


That is what happens when nations or a group of nations, subordinate themselves in a vassal-like relationship to another nation.


I live in Greenland, and have listened to your geopolitical analysis most evenings since 2022.
The phone call was breaking news here last week, it involved the Danish PM , FM & Defence Minister.
In the televised press conference shortly after, all three looked rather stressed and ashen-faced.


Who is Zelensky to be making statements as if he is the leader of Europe or of a country that can sustain itself. He is a beggar. He should stop opening his mouth wide and carelessly also.


American still trying to pull a let's destroy the Russia and China relationship, buddy, that ship is too far gone.


I don’t want a single cent of my tax dollars to go to Zelensky and his goons - better still I want Trump to demand every cent back and soon.


After a bit of diplomacy with the Danish Prime Minister I can't wait for Trump to have a meaningful conversation with Ursula


Reuters  informed  that Lavrov said Friday Russia see no signs from Ukraine and West want to make peace.


Since 2022 there are now 2700 new Ukrainian millionaires and 120 new billionaires.


Always appreciate your sifting through the corporate media and helping me make sense of nonsense. Thanks, Alexander.


Well, what makes me an outlier I guess! I am 57 year-old English immigrant, with zero interest in tech or stocks, and yet I am 110% committed to Bitcoin. I would describe myself as an extreme conservative/libertarian. I have been involved in UK politics for some time, and the main thing that drove me to study Bitcoin and ultimately recognize its value to Humanity was the threat posed by an over-weening government, first in the UK and lately in the US also. I regard the CBDC as the final brick in the wall of the totalitarian prison the world's governments are building for us. And Bitcoin is the ultimate defense against a tyrannical governm*nt.....I've been engaged in active trading and managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.3Bitcoin to a decent 24Bitcoin....I'm especially grateful to Luna Gilman, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.


I wanted Trump to win, I really did. He's been through the mill and I truly despise Biden and his lot.   However, President Putin is a Super Star in a league of his own and so is his team of very bright stars.  God Bless Mother Russia, you've done well.


All aid to Ukraine is halted and an audit ordered. Ukraine is done