
This was an amazing deep insight. You should definitely do more videos… and let Doodle edit. It was not only what you said but the way you came across as your genuine self.


So, being a local who became a local some years back because of the road(s) and the community...  There is no lie or untruth in this video.  Especially when I can zip down to the hill after work on a weekday and just about have it to myself.. It IS a soulful experience.  Especially when riding or even driving (I do fast things in cages too)  especially  because the level of concentration kills any bit of unnecessary noise in the mind.  Some will say it's just a road and in form it is but in experience it's far more than that.  I've spent whole days mid week sitting at bench (mi 6, once upon a time there was actually a bench there) in my lil chair up on the hill .. Just absorbing the vibe.  It's even more impressive when it's quiet.  If you're in tune to energetic things it's blatantly noticeable.  Great vid, Whitney.  Thank you for sharing your experience and putting into words what a lot of us can't.  😊


Riding a motorcycle is therapy. How cool that your editor is a biker! This was awesome.


Wow!!! I love this! Love seeing women tame the “dragon” haha but also, thank you for sharing how much riding has improved your mental health. I share the same story. I struggled with depression, and was off and on with pharma medications. I never agreed with the medication but I needed to do something! Then I was introduced to riding. Man it has been such a life changing experience for me. Being able to learn and grow into something new has literally freed me from the mental chains. It has given me confidence that shows not only on the roads but in my day to day life as well. I walk with my head higher nowadays! Much luv girls! Ride on!


Whitney....Wow!!  Thanks for sharing your soul with us.  Many of us are just like you, in the same boat.  Riding has saved us from the abyss.


Glad you had a good time on the Dragon Whitney!!!! I'm also glad you said "ride you're own ride" which a lot of folks don't do on that road. Be safe and Blessed!!!


I’ve been watching doodle since like day one I’m 63. I’ve been riding motorcycles for 45 years and this is the feeling I get when I get on my bike. I lose my mind to find my soul.


Felt like I was listening to a female version of Anthony Bourdain. Well spoken. Motorcycle travel show with you and Doodle for the travel channel perhaps?


"This is church!" Nice work and thx for sharing part of your personal story.


Whitney make more of your own videos ❤


We split off the smokey mountain 500 last year to ride the dragon, and what I remember most about it is how spoiled we were on all those forest trails, because we felt like... it was just a road. I really think you would love the Chattahooche BDRX, SM500 or SM1000. Take a small dual sport, take a friend, and make some memories in the woods, away from the cars, away from the community, just riding in the woods. That's where I find some peace. The dragon is a cool place, but it's a bit like going to Orlando for motorcycling. Just a few miles down the road from there in all directions is the Glacier National Park of motorcycling.


Awesome video! Incredibly well presented. You tied everything up at the end. Well done. Best!


I nominate Whitney to be the spokesperson for motorcyclists everywhere. Beautiful words.


Let’s hear it for postpartum moms!  I gave up riding to raise my six children.  Now I’m a grandma, riding every chance I can get.  Thanks for sharing the Dragon with us!


Great stuff Whitney and Carolyn! I can imagine it being like that when riding the Tail Of The Dragon.


This was so cool. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us! ❤


Great editing (obviously) but complimemts on the dialog. Hope to hear more of your thoughts in some future videos.


Good job. I'm not too far from this, and I will definitely be going this year. Also, good job on the vid. Nice seeing you on the other side of the camera from time to time. 🙂


Great storytelling. Mister empiricist here. I agree that motorcycle riding is a method of spiritual renewal. Thanks for sharing your story, and some epic shots of the riding experience.


Thank you for sharing-- a lot of it resonated with me, both about motorcycles and not-motorcycles. Haven't yet done the Dragon on two wheels, only four wheels, but one of these days I will make it there. Ride safe!