0:00 already a BANGER
who else feels like they just discovered a hidden treasure in minecraft? these secret rooms always blow my mind!
3:54 chase
Did you yall see that😮10:01
By the way I’ve been watching you for six years❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
New players:Let me try that Old players: what mod is it
Who else loves when he plays Minecraft and roblox
even though they are fake i still like the vids
This rooms are not real guys it was nood 1234 pranks ❤
Theres about two things ive been wondering about. 1. About the w14infinite portals if yoy throw it in the nether portal it changes the nether but what if you go to the nether and then throw the book&quill in the portal will it change the overworld. And 2. Its about the farlands if it exists in the overworld and in the nether then there must be a farlands in the end.
16:15 bro just changed speed running for ever
It's nice to see the most popular vids on this channel is around 4 to 5 years ago, that proves when preston fans truly appeared
2:28 POV; that one last villager hiding in a raid
I saw someone beside you, like steve and there's more than 1 temple 10:25
We are just going to ignore the fact that the water is in the nether
I love your videos❤
Under 15 minutes gang!!! Bro this is the earliest I’ve ever been!
I love these videos. There is a surprise in every corner 😱