I love to see how many babies, toddlers and kids this video is calming and inspiring. Includes my 2-year-old girl. The wholesome side of the internet. Happy plane watching everyone.
The only way we can get my 15 month old daughter to sleep is by playing her videos of airplanes landing and taking off until she conks out. So, thank you for posting this!
My 5 year old autistic son loves watching airplanes take off & land. Thank you for posting!
Just finished the whole video and realized how much I enjoy watching landings and takeoffs. Amazing!
AWESOME! I've been watching plane videos and I'm excited because I'm going on my first plane ride in two days!!!
This video is what I use to calm down my baby. He is mesmerized by the planes and stops crying when this plays. Thanks!
i love airplanes so much🔥🔥 i cant believe we dont appreciate them enough. what a miracle they are to have☺
18:56 the inspiration and the creation. Awesome video, great audio.
What a spectacular video . This deserves 2 million views !
A very relaxing hour of spotting. Well done Mr Mylos!
Absolutely awesome. Thanks for all the great videos! I try to make the rounds as I can. Happy New year!!
Lord have mercy, I have so much respect for pilot's. You have to have attention to detail, be though and quick thinking. There's no way I could I would ever have the courage to do this.
This video is amazing. I love watching planes fly in the sky ever since my mom and dad took me and my brother to the airport to watch planes takeoff and/or land
Wow man, so many different liveries and planes. You had a fantastic year capturing those planes at different airports. Loved the footage from Frankfurt and Zurich. This compilation was very exciting to watch. All the best in 2019 and 2020:)
This is my new favorite channel for all things aviation! Keep up the fantastic work
Splendid footage Mylos from what was an excellent year! Happy New Year my friend! :)
LOVE watching planes landing n taking off. When l was young, hear or see planes or helicopters flying, I'll rush to wave bye. Helicopter pilots will wave back....coz they fly low. Happy to watch this video. TQ so much 🙏 Now I'm 78 still enjoy watching.
im a second year aerospace engineering student and just began taking my Flight Mechanics class. Planes have always fascinated me and its even better now that I have a (somewhat elementary) understanding of the forces acting on the craft and how the subsystems work. This video is great dude!
Amazing footage. It’s so exciting watching these amazing machines land and take off. I just love the whistle of the engines when they start to accelerate. One question, where could I find a video just like this but with the radio talk between the pilots and the tower?