
Call that the least wasted time i’ve ever spent on anything


When the song is TOO good:


wouldn't be a daniel video without him casually shattering apart the very essence of reality and time space itself 😌


The rare case when Hoodie Guy was the normal(ish) one


I hate when this happens, it so annoying having to fix space and time all the time


Dang, abstract music is getting better by the day. The song brought me to a whole new world.


Thanks for not wasting my time, I am such a busy human, doing human things, with my human body


This went from 1 to 1000000 real quickly


slams table MORE FUNNIES




The screams! 😂

Lol i had my phone on max volume 💀


“Don’t you mean “riff”?”
plays notes


Oh Danny boy, I'm not busy. I'm just researching on how to open a rift! My research is COMPLETE!!!


These were the best 8 seconds of my life.


The video is pure, 100% condensed joke. Nice.


When the bard multi classes into sorcery


The casual No is sending😂


Perfect! Glad he knows his audience 😅


I was taking a quick break and this was the first and only short I had time to watch, thanks!


Every time I speak people scream like this, probably because I’m so amazing like this!