
You don’t need police officers when you’re not arresting people


Paper ballots and voter ID would solve some of your problem.


Yep. We need to take our state back. Vote RED!!!! We flipped Orange County.




The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result .


The problems in California are monumental, which go to show ya that all this WOKE stuff just creates a great big mess.


Living in FL, there were many on each corner begging daily, until Gov DeSantis and our City banned them with threat of arrest.
It was such a relief to not have to observe the trash they were making.
Obviously, FL got it taken care of 😊


Frank said it perfectly  - those who live behind gated walls are too self- centered to care.  And I also agree with him to take away the spray paint!


I think Frank should run for governor. He has a lot of great ideas for the state. It needs to be cleaned up and get rid of that asinine governor they have now.




Always loved him and sly, they look so much alike


I left 12 years ago cause i saw this happening then...man what a bigger mess then i could have ever imagined...certainly miss the California i grew up in


They beg money 💰 not for food but fir Drug or booze Especially in  The Northeast at the end of highway ramps this is beyond Sad 😢


LA started deteriorating many decades ago.  The Wilshire area turned from an expensive area to a third world country in the 80's!  Then there's McCracken Park.


Yes, the Governor is not worth being a Governor anywhere. Him and his Buddy the Mayor needs taken out of your State. He's a puke, and does not help anyone.


They make more money begging than working.


Have been considering moving to LA for work, think I'll wait it out a little longer.


Frank Stallone for Governor!


One thing is for sure, this problem is Far from Over


Great actor and he’s exactly right about California especially Los Angeles and San Francisco!  I lived in Bay Area for 18 years and I don’t miss it except for the great places to go and enjoy the weather, ocean and beautiful country