“Pains always been the root of my music if I cut it off how am I gonna keep growing” damn I love him he’s so raw and honest and incredible
“I am the voice of all these kids that think things but never say em’” really hit.
"I am the voice of all these kids that think things but never say em." See now that is very true. Every time I listen to NF's music I always wonder how he puts what I want to say but won't say into words. It's so insane how he puts all the hurt some people (as well as himself) feel into a song. Mad respect.
2:28. And from that point on, I always get chills.
First time hearing this, thought it was a diss, as I listened to more songs (and read the comments) I realized this ain't no diss, and that's why I love NF
For me, Eminem is a lyrical genius, but NF is the murderer of meaning...
"listen to intro 3 trying to kill my fear, they'll get that in a minute, we about to shatter the critics." He knows that even while other people won't get what he's talking about in some of his songs, his fans know exactly what he's on about, knowing that even while people will criticize him, his fans have his back and will tell them exactly what he's all about. God I love him.
For all who think this is a diss you’re wrong. You know nothing of NF
"This is for the kids feelin' like they live at the bottom and everyday of there lives feel like its darker than halloween" This is by far the most real part of this song <3
His words are so god damn powerful, I can’t even describe them with my own words
2023 anyone?? I'm an eleven year old girl and I'm in my room just listening to NF. My parents took me to see him live in concert. He's awesome. Thanks nate.
When he said "Its not cuz I'm a 'Rap God' I don't think it was a diss. I think thats just him saying he's sick of people comparing him to Eminem. I actually watched an interview that he had and he said Eminem was a huge inspiration for him. People compare them all the time... But I don't think their levels could ever match. NF is just too real for anyone to compete with. I personally think he's better.
For those of you who don't understand, NF is a real person with real emotions and feelings and he expresses those emotions through what he is great and successful at which is singing and rapping into that mic and showing everyone that he isn't for the fame and he isn't for the glory. He is here to show us all that he is a real artist and doesn't fake what he writes and expresses.
everything he said is just beautiful. its a big proof that he’s human and has emotion. im with him
“Wondering if imma always feel the way that I feel or maybe one day I could learn to be happy” I finally learned how to be happy. It took 10 years but I did it. I hope everyone in this comment section can also learn to be happy
Honestly he says that if he isn’t emotional then people tell him he isn’t passionate. As long as he loves it the passion shows it doesn’t have to be the same if he feels different he should make it different. I’m always gunna be a fan this music helps me through so much.
This is by far my favorite from NF, it’s just pure art
i totally feel nf whenever i feel depressed or angry i just come and just let all my emotion out while i rap it feels like you are the only one that is there in that moment its like you get lost in the music and you never wanna find your way back out
RAW and REAL emotion. If you don’t wanna feel some type a way or get chills... bye 👋🏼 I absolutely love this man & everything he stands for. I always go back and listen to his old tracks.... he’s grown and matured so much in the last 4 years!