Christina, your lisp is not disruptive to me at all..I truly hope you don't feel badly or embarrassed about it. There's lots of us who deal with this so you being smart, sassy & fabulous make those who struggle with a lisp feel better! Also, thank you for the insightful reading today ❤
Capricorn - I've been a casual viewer for many months now. I know nothing about tarot and probably not even the basics on zodiac signs. The things you say about "reversing energies" etc go right on by me. I don't know the reason your videos were suggested by the algorithm, but I clicked on one and liked your vibe and your story telling ability. I almost always agree with the counseling/advice you give. Your knowledge of relationships and human nature is in depth. Then the story hit on my experience. Not exactly, but yes. There are reasons for being stuck in the cycle and in one way the story of the past isn't over yet, although, it's over. Wow, this went from listening to intriguing stories to being stopped in my tracks and shut down. I have now experienced the power of tarot.
I need a fashion show from you.. your fashion sense is impeccable!! Us libras loveeee it
♎️ “ There’s a lot of fuck off in that professional face energy” 😂 Love it!
Libra!!! Spent 5 yrs with my partner providing so much space and patience for his growth and in the end it just wasn’t aligned with where I am and where I’m continuing to go. It was a very mature ending on my part which makes me second guess everything as I’m used to toxic endings but I do know in my heart that I’m meant for more and I am manifesting a more balanced equal love! Hoping for this to come sooner then later but will do my best to trust the process and find more patience. Thank you for the spot on read xoxo
The way Capricorn’s 🍪 crumbles.
🦂🦂🦂🥰🥰🥰🥰. That’s the toxic ex I set boundaries with, and would not allow back into my energy. I want him to keep his distance. He is just mad that I didn’t fall for his manipulations. He returned every few months to do a temp check, and was always met by the ice queen. I left him to the universe
Wow the sagittarius reading was literally spot on. This is uncanny
Scorpio here and, well, I must share. I started therapy 6 years ago and it's helped me deal with those inner voices you talked about in the past. Right now I am in a really beautiful relationship with a man whose name contains all the letters you drew lol and I am about to start a new (kind of dream) job next week which will bring me to a safer place financially - I've come a long way. And I totally know who that tower person is, and yeah, it's fine. Thank you <3
Christina, you are the only tarot reader I watch and you told my story (Libra) exactly how it happened. Thank you for sharing your gift with us! ❤
Taurus here. I swear I'm working on it!! 😄 Thank you. ❤ I never "enjoy" a rough reading, but I am always grateful for you having our backs the way you do. You are solid, and we are lucky to have you.
As a Scorpio with a Sag rising… both readings resonate absolutely! I recently disconnected from what I thought was a real friendship. I learned years ago that when people don’t want to be in my life anymore, I kindly escort them right out of my life. Like Christina said, moving on!
My sign started at time stamp 3:11 which is my exact birthday. 😍 this was the absolute most spot in reading I've heard from you for me ever! Just wow! 🤩😭 thank you for all you do!
Taurus is spot on 🙈. Haven’t said a word to a soul
Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon and Taurus rising and each reading resonated as a facet of my current experience. Thanks Sassy💜
You are my weekend therapist 🤩😭Saggi reading spot on! 💯 im getting to a better place each day and i am not focusing on love i am focusing on myself and doing the right thing by me. The last few years has kinda shattered me and then made me a lot more stronger than ive ever been but it comes with a cost of guarding my energy for any sign of red flag in friendships and romantic relationship. Im learning to open up again slowly… ❤️❤️❤️
👋😆✨ Aquarius with fire here 🔥✨🌬️🔥💥