
I JUST found this channel, and I love the criticism for both. I’m a first time voter this year and I’m not too privy on Canadian politics, but this channel really helps and doesn’t make me feel like I’m being coaxed along.


And this is why I'm voting for Carney. He thinks before he acts and does what is best for Canada instead of just reacting. And he is acting like an adult instead of acting like a child on the playground with the name calling and bullying.


He’s making it abundantly clear to Canadians that he is the leader we need for this crisis.


I can't wait to vote for Mark Carney! He's exactly who we need right now


Normally not a Liberal supporter, but I watched him speak once online and I thought "wow, this dude is acting like an adult, he actually gives of PM vibes of old, not this new Twitter version of politics". I'm really considering voting for this guy


Carney is brilliant. Not only a PhD in economics, very well known and respected. Great PM.


I am a pretty dedicated, although not die hard, NDP voter.  I have been thinking I would vote Liberal as an anti-PP vote, but now I am voting Liberal because I think Carney is good for Canada.


Mark Carney is the leader we need  in these unprecented times to save our sovereignty and economy !  Thank you Steve.... for reporting the facts - all true 👍 

PP makes me laugh... his followers even more 😂


Im also very happy with PM Carney's moves so far.  He may not be a seasoned politician but he is a very smart man!  He is learning very fast and doing fantastic!  I am impressed!


I hope Carney stays true to himself and doesn't pivot to trying to be more like a politician because that is what the media want.  One of his best assets is that he comes off as genuine.


We really need to get out and vote, everyone. The conservative movement has grown significantly over the past two years We definitely have the numbers on our side—no question about it. All we need to do is show up when it's time to vote. I couldn't stand to have a person like P.P. running our country. The guy has zero compassion.


Carney is killing it! Good thing Pierre has that pension, he will be starting his retirement soon enough!


What I'm seeing is a skilled leader.  When he was leading the Bank of Canada and advising Stephen Harper, the question he seemed to ask was "What is the best policy for the Bank of Canada and the country, considering the (2008) financial crisis?".  When he was head of the Bank of England, he seemed to ask "What is the best policy for the bank and for England, considering the BREXIT situation?".  No doubt when he was in the private sector he asked "What is the best route for this company and shareholder value?".  And now that he is Prime Minister he's asking "What is the best route for Canada considering the threats and trade war brought on by the USA?".  Not everyone will always agree, but so far it seems as is he is not working for his own self-interest but rather for a greater good, and clearly giving thought to his actions.  I'm impressed!


This doesn't feel like a lesser of two evils situation. I think Carney would make a good Prime Minister.


Great work Mr carney! No insults like the conservative Polievre, brilliant man, he knows what his doing . Great leader❤🎉


Mark Carney our Prime Minister for the next 4 years and he needs all votes for a Majority, disciplined, competent, knowledgeable, all qualities of a leader, he has my vote 🇨🇦


I really didn’t want the best option to be liberal again, but thus far, he’s the only leader that is showing any kind of savvy and not just politicking


I have to confess that my expectations with regard to Mark Carney were not very high--but that's largely because when I look around at the leadership among Canada's political parties at both the federal and provincial level few rise to a standard I would consider worthy of the voters' trust. Wab Kinew is about the only provincial leader I've been impressed with thus far (and desperately makes me wish he was the premier of Ontario, where I live). Jagmeet Singh, for as much as I like the guy, has just bungled so many opportunities to take his party onward and upward. Even on little things, like not having the grace to thank Trudeau for his service and wish him well, have irked me. As for Poilievre, I cannot honestly understand what the Conservatives were thinking. It's as if they looked around and discovered there was no one else who wanted the job so they gave it to him; like he's that kid nobody wants on their team because he's really just a liability, but someone has to take him and so... Well, there you have it.

Against Jagmeet Singh and Pierre Poilievre, Mark Carny in just a handful of days has looked like he belongs in the role of Prime Minister of Canada where those other two have simply failed repeatedly. In Paris and in London Carney showed the office of Prime Minister of Canada to one among equals with its peers in France and the UK, and, honestly, I was impressed and my estimations of him went up considerably. Before that I was at the stage where I just wanted anyone other than Poilievre because of the social, political, and economic mayhem he would likely unleash upon this country, but now I genuinely believe Carney could bring about some much needed change to Canada without destroying it and leaving it an even more likely prey for the United States of Trump.

At the very least, I no longer feel I'll be voting Liberal just to prevent Poilievre and the Conservatives from getting in. Now, I feel I'll actually be voting for something worthwhile--something that may actually make this a stronger and better country. A sovereign one in which its citizens don't have to live in fear of being taken over by the behemoth to the south.


someone ask Chantal Hébert if Carney had enough charisma to be elected and then she said " How much Charisma did Harper have?"


It's not surprising to me, at all, that Carney, a central banker for two countries, is well versed in international diplomacy.