
Wouldn’t it be nice if the host would QUIT INTERRUPTING THE GUEST long enough for the guest to finish making his comment!?!!!


Stop interrupting and repeating what has just been said - so annoying! We're not stupid, we got it the first time :)


Skeletal muscle is the most metabolically active tissue in the human body, and the more lean mass you have as you progress thru the aging cycle the better your metabolic markers and the less likely you will be affected by dynapenia and sarcopenia. So it's a longevity insurance plan everybody should be investing towards early in your life.


I think that the host overestimates how much ‘translating’ and ‘summing up’ he needs to do for us. It actually detracts from the content and spoils the flow of the chat. Just my opinion.


One of the phrases which should not be accepted is "everyone knows McDonalds is not healthy". Maybe they do, but there are often long queues in the UK for the drive through. Exercise - I think most people need to be told you need at least this much exercise per day. In the UK I am certain that most adults get nowhere near sufficient exercise on a weekly basis. I try most days to walk for about an hour or more. I do not see many of my neighbours doing the same, and I am pretty sure they are not driving to a gym. People need simple messages frequently repeated.


That it needs a professor and an interviewer to stress these things speaks for itself


We helped onba farm for a while post retirement. It was amazing how much walking we did.  Checking on animals, forking bins, feeding animals.  It was fun, interesting, and good for us.


7:45 mins in- Diseases that go with living longer are much more common today (Type 2, heart disease, cancer, arthritis) are much more common today when longevity has improved than they were in the past when life expectancy was much lower--- so obviously it's due to us being less active?  I think he's missing another factor here


an excellent listen, thank you very much both 👍


The host would do well to shut up and allow the guest to talk.


With all respect, the host on this show, is very interruptive towards guests, that have been invited to present their ideas. I, for one, I might be interested in the guest's ideas, but discouraged to watch the show for non stop interruptions!


The recommendation I used to hear was that any movement was better than none, but light activity was OK, and there was no big advantage to pushing ourselves. Now I hear that there is definitely a benefit of harder activities, when the heart rate is pushed into a certain zone. Which is true? (for overall health, not only weight loss)


Read his book "Exercised" . It's really good 👍


"sitting" in a resting squat is not the same as slouching at a desk or lounging on a couch


Finally... common sense enters the room


Muscular strength and athletic abilities decline from decade to decade, but not because our body wants to save calories, but because of systemic poisoning.


By sitting it should mean in a squat position and not in sofa or chair.


Very true- more money for less processed food. So backwards.  A big part is food subsidies going to the wrong kinds of food


I feel doing leg squats has shored up my dodgy hip. I wouldn't like losing muscle in that department.


I don’t want to hear the host so much…