Pile 2… spot on! Just what i needed to hear to make my choice! 💫✨🙌🏻🧡 thank you so much
Pile 2 resonates. Thank you ❤
Thank you for pile 1 - totally resonated with me . I needed that ! ❤❤thanks ❤❤
#2 feels very personal. Thank you very much.
Charming2🎉Thank you so much for your brilliant card reading brings me huge creative energy to my work🎉💡💎🌺💫🔅🔆🔆💫😊
Hey pile 1 here. Lol. Havent seen you on my feed for a long time, so went to your channel today. Thanks for your reading! Yes the bridge makes perfect sense. I am practising my mediumship - and wish to do it for a little income - 🙏 - so yes its obviously like being the bridge between two worlds. The letters T. U. And I made me smile. My first name starts with T, and U and I feels so good as the channelling is a combined group effort between differing spirit guides and interested and great people on the other side. When you said "hope that noise doesnt disturb you" the noise here too, was really loud - with birds above me in the tree suddenly being really loud and flying around chasing each other from tree to tree. I couldnt hear what you were saying they were that loud. Lol. So that was spot on timing, and I took it as a confirmation of it all. Electric Dreams - yes remember that song?? Yes, that song is one of the 3 songs I associate with my father, who passed on 30 years ago. Hes helping me develop my mediumship, and as I have surgery tomorrow, I am anxious and just before your reading, I thought hey I should think of my dad outside the surgery room to help calm me. Good pick up 99!! :-) Also, spirits are communicating through my mobile telephone - randomly speaking midway through a conversation like some sort of semi physical mediumship. So yes I have been thinking about the whole electro magnetic influence and how I can make it easier for them to come through. Yes, I was just complaining today how it seems I am the only one communicating and how frustrating it is. Yes, very pertinent also is the overwhelm thing and thankyou for the warning from spirit. Yes I have got so much on my plate and need to have a shield and make sure my other commitments are fair. It was lovely to hear your voice again and appreciate an Aussie perspective too. Im in Qld. Many thanks and 🎉 love and hugs.
Thank you so much for comforting and guiding my soul with your generosity, my beautiful ♎️-rising twin 🐝🌝💚🧡💜✨ (Pile 2 was👂to first, and pile 1 is next hehe)
❤ allow healing ❤
Thank you for Pile 3. I apologise for thinking your accent was from New Zealand... I should know the Australian accent because my daughter and her family live in Sydney. I live in the UK so English is spoken in a hundred different ways here! I also lose my voice at times... Emotional times! Yes, I have been through a terrible time and I needed a Hermit phase to recover... How wonderful to have the Angels' wings around me! There is a situation where I feel I may not have seen the good side of it but I might get a second chance, which will actually work out with better timing. I did look at that situation in a practical way and perhaps I didn't listen to my intuition, but 2 months have given me a much wider view. This is such an encouraging reading for me... Bless you x
❤️✨ (All piles)🌟🦋🧩🎴🥰🙏🏼Blessings of Love+Light from Scotland✨❤️
#3 sounds like my past energy. my intuition got me out of hermit mode. still not totally trusting it and i am scared of getting hurt or causing chaos
Timestamps 00:00:00 Intro 00:03:00 P1 Amethyst Cluster 00:34:33 P2 Clear Quartz 01:12:16 Kunzite Thank You For watching 💖
Part 3: You flipped the first card in pile 3 and I went ughhhh. The tower. I thought about clicking off until I heard your trigger warning. “Your guides want you to talk about something you’ve been through.” Pause. Do I want to talk about this? Ok…I’ll try… Oh yes! Acknowledged for going into hermit mode. Yes. Wow. This! And I’m starting to realize why they want to talk about this now. I’ll see if this is confirmed (it was) as we continue into this reading. I sense this is coming through because I have curated a beautiful life as the hermit who is also the queen of pentacles. And as I expressed on both my previous comments I’ve been coming up to those feelings when I’m seen. Either from family or even strangers. And I want to recoil from the attention. Because to tend, which is the effect of responding to the attention, has felt self repressed. But to be authentic feels like harming the other. So I’m in this constant choice of choosing self v others. And I know I’m not someplace that feels good for and aligned with me. So I retreat. And there’s that king of swords upright that heralds back to pile 2 in reverse. I feel like the similar cards indicate the connection between the piles as you noted. Wow. Just wow. This was a very potent and deeply moving reading. My heart has been touched. Thank you 🪆🐝💝
3true. being surrounded by and dealing with nothing but very judgmental ppl has made me retreat from almost everyone
Part 2: I felt drawn to all the piles. So I started with 1 and then moved to 2. Pile 2: Haha as you laid the cards I heard “glow up” before you said it. And I felt confirmation that a component of this wind up I wrote about in my comment to pile 1, there has been a glow up during this timeout. The more I embody aspects of me that have laid in wait the more attractive I’ve become. My daughter had a couple of her friends over yesterday. We were gathered in the living room when one of them noticed a picture of me with my brothers and our dad when I was twenty. She said, “is that your family?” I responded, “yup.” She was stumbling, “you look…you look…” I started laughing. What was she reaching for? Why were her words struggling. My laughter broke through her stall, “you look the same!” I busted out even harder. The fountain of youth, the ace of cups holy grail, arises from embodying Self. Oh, I appreciate this preparation/foreshadowing I sense in this pile. I feel like this is going deeper into the Oracle cards from pile 1. Specifically the overwhelm card. The possibility of emerging glowed-up and the external response to this. Dang I’m just remembering an experience I had at the gym yesterday. I was waiting to be scanned in. There was a gentleman in front of me. Because it was pouring rain outside, I had my jacket zipped up to my neck with my hood up. A walking sleeping bag 😂. We were waiting to be let through. I could feel he was annoyed at the inefficiency of the scanning process. Suddenly my body temperature rose really high from his growing agitation. I felt claustrophobic and quickly unzipped my jacket and yanked off my hood. It felt really dramatic to me as I exhaled the overwhelm. This drew his attention towards me and he said, “they really should have a self check in scanner.” I smiled and validated his idea. Internally I thought, Ahhhh we have an engineer on the floor. He was right. And I genuinely validated him. After this validation he kept his eye on me (with a sort of lusty energy) during the workout. And I felt exposed and uncomfortable. People like being seen and validated. It’s like they are parched while walking through the desert and I’m an oasis of comfort (empress.) But this does create conflict within me because I can see how I’m misunderstood. And this does interfere with the flow of myself. Yet I totally understand why he responded how he did. What I noticed with pile 2 was the speed. You even remarked you wanted to slow this energy down. This is an interesting layer. I see this as the possibilities presenting as I emerge. And can easily get swept into them. And given my proclivity to be super open, I’m prone to the sweep. I know I’ll pull out. But at this point, as indicated by the 7 of wands, I feel the insight wanting to be seen in this pile, is to be mindful of the swept away. The king of wands and 6 of wands is very enticing and it quickly moves into that moon. Which does feel dark and filled with shadows like the signifcator card. Do I want to go there? Or do I want to align with the king of cups, page of pentacles that leads to that chariot? I know there isn’t a wrong way. I can repeat experiences as many times as it takes for me to truly see them. This feels like a reminder of what I’ve discovered through this timeout I commented on in pile 1 that I will likely be provoked to slipping back into the familiar repressed patterns of self. Overwhelm feels like the key, signaling me to slow down and reflect deeply as I make choices from my glowed up form. Because that light will draw others towards me who can’t help but want to drag me into their world. And it could feel so good to be wanted given how long I’ve held myself away. And feel so good to feel that heat having been isolated (ice) but it could also very quickly slip into short lived as I get pulled into the others shadowed realm. And their indifference to what I need. I don’t want to engage in relationships where I need to choose between me or the other. Because that signals I’ve moved into a shadow connection. In an enlightened connection it is symbiotic where are differences compliment one another not compromise each other. Or force compromises onto one another. When you pulled the imperfection card I was drawn to look closer at this word imperfection. The first thing I noticed was perfection is embedded within the word. Then I saw I M (and I read I am perfection). The knowledge and learning card felt connected to the page of pentacles card that was pulled when you dove into that king of cups. It’s a sort of return to innocence through this glow up. Coming out revitalized (there’s that word again I marked in my comment on pile 1). It’s a reacquainting to the world looking the same but not. Like being recognizable but fresh. And it’s going to feel strange. And I perceive the insights being passed through this reading, is to go slow to prevent the slipping into the darkness of the familiar. It’s the butterfly keeping to the sky even though she is very familiar with the ground. I love the love cards. Because I’m All about love 💝 because love does touch the heart. The king of swords in reverse feels reminiscent to the indifference card. The cold and calculated way of moving through the world is time to lay that sword down. I feel like to navigate through that underworld, shadow realm required the accompaniment of that king of swords. A very potent time. And necessary to the glow up. But the gems have been discovered as indicated by the 9 of pentacles and 6 of wands. What worked for one phase can become a hindrance to the next. Another beautiful message. Onto pile 3 to see if more would like to be passed. 💝