
Ill save you ten minutes....the answer is Vitamin D w/ K2. The anount varies on age, weight ethnicity and location of living. Vitamin D will help lower free calcium in the body. The calcium is getting hung up in the ear effecting equilibrium....Your Welcome šŸ˜‰


My husband suffered with debilitating vertigo for 20 years. One morning we were about to have our morning coffee and he said, ā€œI donā€™t think Iā€™m going to have coffee today because I start feeling bad after I drink itā€. He did not experience any vertigo from that day since and itā€™s been about 1year. He found that any consumption of caffeine, whether it be tea, coffee, soda, would bring on the vertigo. I hope this helps someone, God blessā¤


I'm doctor, 59 years,I suffered from vertigo and headache for many months, got my every test done including xray PNS, chest,  CT head. Audiometry, Epily maneuver etc. My vitamin D was also normal. At last the cause of headache and vertigo turned out to be due to butter I was using in morning breakfast. Vertigo was quite severe. Food allergies should be considered for vertigo and headaches


In January 2024  I developed Menieres disease.  I watched this video and tried D3 and K2.  In one week menieres was gone.  Since August 2024 till today 1-22-25 I had one small episode of dizziness.  Thanks for the Great information.


I suffered 3 years of vertigo. After I was prescribed Vitamin D3, my vertigo gradually disappeared.  Thank you for sharing this video.


Vertigo is one of the most terrible feelings in this world.  Thank you so much for addressing this problem, Dr. Berg. You are such a HUGE help to us all!


I suffered from this for 14 years it was so bad I had to go to a balance clinic. I suffered a constant sense of motion even when I wasn't spinny.  The maneuver did not work.  They told me this was my new normal.  The episodes got worse the last 5 years ago.  I had new neuro symptoms like constant falling, high stepping gate and no depth perception.  Finally went to see a chiropractor.  He said my Axis was off, the top vertebrae in your neck.  He worked on me for 4 months and I started noticing my episodes had subsided, after a year  my feeling of motion disappeared and for the last 4 years I am symptom free.  I got more out of my chiropractor in a few years than I did all the specialist in 14 years.  What a waste of that time.  I am still going from time to time but I feel good and regained my confidence.  Don't give up.


Very happy I found this video. I was having dizzy bouts throughout the day for a couple of weeks,  and went to see 3 different doctors. I even went for an MRI as suggested by one of the doctors. After seeing this video, I got myself checked and found that my vitamin D level was very low.  With a daily routine of sunlight and supplements, I'feel much better now


My dear mother passed away three months ago. She had this problem for a few years. She saw many doctors but her problem never went awayšŸ˜¢. Live long doctor BergšŸ™. The world would have been much better if we had more doctors like you. God bless youā¤ļø


Thank you, Dr Berg!!! Iā€™d been to the ENT twice to try and fix my BPPV which I had for over a year with no success. I was beginning think that possibly I had a brain tumor. I even booked a neurology appointment. Very stressful not knowing whatā€™s wrong. And then I watched your video and did exactly as you said. I took 50,000 UIs of vitamin D with K2 and magnesium and it cleared it up almost instantly. Iā€™ve been on a regular regimen of vitamin D now and all I can say is you saved my life. The BPPV  extremely debilitating to the point where I couldnā€™t bend over or look up without it running my entire day. Now I can function like a normal person again. I thank you so much for your common sense and insight. This has actually made me pay more attention to the vitamins and nutrients that I take in my body in order to stay healthy instead of relying on doctors to fill me up with medication and offbeat diagnosis. Thank you so much. I appreciate you beyond words. ā¤


I had dizziness so bad I didn't work or drive or do anything for a long time, I went to Drs and they never found anything wrong. But I was still very dizzy than one day I found a self help course on anxiety and learned that stress can cause dizziness, I started practicing all the advice In the course to lower my anxiety and the dizziness started slowly disappearing it's been completely gone for years now. Never underestimate the power of stress and the horrible physical body symptoms that it can cause


I was told in the E.R in the U.S I had a psychotic episodes. I was stunned, they could make an assumption like this. They gave me psychotic drugs..well you can imagine I got worst and was sleepy all day. Went to Mexico and the doctor there aced it! Bening Vertigo. This happen right after I gave birth to my child. One really needs to advocate for oneā€™s health and take more than one medical opinion ; specially in concerning health issues. Dr. Berg thanks for bringing awareness to this condition ā¤


Oh my gosh I suffer from vertigo it's terrible. Thank you Dr Berg for your help I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy


I've commented here before.
I've been on a journey to discover how to eliminate vertigo from my life. I have been religiously doing what Dr. Berg says for a very long time. I'm unsure if what he suggests has actually helped me. Changing my diet helped quite a bit. 
But the thing that ultimately is working for me is fasting. Since I started fasting between 18 and 20 hours everyday I have all but eliminated the symptoms. I've only been fasting like this for 2 weeks.
One of the struggles I have had is working out. I've been a runner for 30 years and I haven't been able to run at all. Lifting weights was absolutely impossible. Today was the first day in  years that I did a CrossFit workout. I'm so excited I had to share it here. I attribute this breakthrough to fasting.


I started getting random vertigo attacks several years ago and also became vitamin D deficient around the same time yet no doctors caught this. Thank you so much for this information! As everyone has agreed, this is a horrible thing to go through.


had vertigo for 3 weeks.  watched this video, didi it 2 times.  next day vertigo was gone.  very grateful than you


My 104 y.o. grandmother has been having this the last few years. Itā€™s amazing how these videos come up at the time needed. Thank you!


I wld like to share with u my first encounter with vertigo. One morning i wokeup feeling my room spinning so fast and i was thinking in my heart how to go and see doctor. Thank God for His goodness i somehow pulled my pillow n laid my head on my pillow. Immediately the spinning stopped since then i dont have any more of it. Praise the Lord!


Had this for the past week and it was the most frustrating and terrible feeling especially when youā€™re taking care of a toddler and your work requires you to move your head alot, thank god for youtube and that technique to get rid of the crystal out of the canal, took me 3 tries and it was gone.


I was diagnosed with MĆ©niĆØreā€™s disease and BPPV vertigo approximately 12 years ago. Iā€™m only still very young. I tried several different therapies and some worked and some didnā€™t so I decided to do my own research and youā€™re absolutely right. Vitamin D deficiency is one of the major factors of my triggers. I still have vertigo from time to time and I may walk like Iā€™m drunk haha but the Drā€™s could only treat the symptoms but not the cause. Iā€™m not cured but life is a lot better knowing the changes I made saved me from being house bound.