
I'm in love with alfakyun's voice


I had not seen better work than this, and also you add a beautiful voice, it is like a very sweet cake 😍


Perfect with Meiko


Absolutely incredible cover!


This is awesome makes me want to come back on YouTube to make cool context like this something keep up the work :)


Underated teo cover IMO πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


This became my favorite song the instant I heard it!! πŸ˜†


Soo beautiful! I like that colours ^^


The pv is so stunning! XDD


Hmm this stage and outfit(with original colors) reminds me of something "i gotta see the starlight"




That's amazing!


Wonderful voice


this is definitely her growl
also i think this is her greiving teos death
problably blames herself for it too


all of these mvs are making me so confused. is the mega 39's dlc available on ps4 yet? or is this just a mod? I'm trying not to spoil myself on the mvs until I can get them in future tone 😩


Meiko sounds so masculine in this, so cool!


Kaimei's Daughter




is it just me or her voice in this song sound like it from and opening of an anime ?