Some people just need a hug sometimes.. but they are afraid to speak out about it because of traumatic events after speaking out. Some people just want to be loved. I am one of those people. I don’t care who loves me, I just want someone.. 💔
i remember listening to this on the radio a few years ago and something just drew me to it, completely forgot about it until just now
I was Looking on my Spotify recommendations and this popped up. THE WAVE OF NOSTALGIA- 😭
Mother, this makes me think of you. We were so broken, weren’t we? Im just sorry I didn’t understand that sooner. I would have been kinder and more loving. But I was too broken to see your pain. Love you ❤
Man I remember playing Forza horizon as a little kid and just driving around on my Xbox 360 without a care in the world. This song would play on the in game radio and it was my favorite song after that. Over the years I forgot the lyrics and tune and it took me over a month to find this song again. Brings back great memories of my childhood.
Worked for a guy in Buffalo NY who was cool. We had a big and very old warehouse where we would take in electronics from the public. We would do a lot of sorting. The bosses/owners would be upstairs and we would be downstairs just doing our thing. One day owner came down and sorted with us. Put on this song and it touched me more then he will ever know. Thanks doe the opportunity Rick. Sorry it ended the way it did. You played this in 2018 and it blew up.
Just heard this at my gym for the first time in years. Instantly added to my playlist.
Great hook! How refreshing to hear a melody! Good stuff! Music.
I highly doubt this is the intended meaning of this song, but to me it kind of gives me villain duo energy Two characters who are “outcasts” and feel like the world failed them meet each other. Both of them have had rough lives and they end up realizing they have a lot in common, and soon decide to team up with each other and become a threatening villain duo. Even if the world failed them and the whole world is like an enemy to them, at least they have each other so they aren’t alone anymore.
Reminds me of soccer days, id walk home in the sunset with my dad. damn the nostalgia...
I remember loving this song when I was a kid. Recently heard it for the first time in years. Added immediately to my playlist
My sister today said that our mom used to be obsessed with this song, and we used to hear it all the time in the car cause our mom would always turn it on. But I didn't remember. But I heard the intro of this song, and it took me way back when me and my sister used to go to the pool and this song would always play when we were there<3
heard this at work years after hearing it for the first time and am so happy to be back
Me still listening to this song for 5 years
A moment of silence for the few of us that didn't realize in time. Those who could, you have my respect. Stay frosty.
I liked that she was broken and lonely.... like me. Heard this song for the first time in a very long time and Immediately burst into tears. Put me back to 2013 and remembering a woman that doesn't deserve even crossing my mind anymore. That chorus STILL makes me cry.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS:face-blue-heart-eyes::face-blue-heart-eyes::face-blue-heart-eyes::face-blue-heart-eyes::face-blue-heart-eyes::face-blue-heart-eyes::face-blue-heart-eyes: