thankyou so much. i cried and realised that i love the planet more than anything else. there is a massive shift and it begins inside - we must begin to shift our focus and prioritise the health of the natural world and the planet as a whole. no matter how many people say we are doomed, or that money is the new good, or that commerce will win out - its not true - we each hold the power to change our direction, and there is a swell, a need to put the welfare of the planet, and ALL life, as most important. we need to change - each one of us - and make it happen. we are the only ones who can turn this around. we have become the custodians of the future, with all the responsibilities that entails. lets turn this ship around!
thank you sooooo much for making and posting this on youtube. i have posted it everywhere i can think of! more than past due to lessen our footprint on this poor long-suffering planet...
We all need to see this, but I hope the ones who need to see this the most, do aswell.
The most powerful 3 min video I will ever watch. Amazing job!
Thank you
This is one of the most amazing videos i have ever seen. As an earth lover and science major myself i have been aware of this and have tried to continue to show others around me what i see. But this video sums everything up so perfectly and is so eye opening especially to people who don't understand. I have shared this video everywhere and within my college classes as well, the world needs to see this video. Thank you for making this and sharing it with us.
Beautifully created message - Thank you!
I was 'bout to comment a lot of things related to our mother earth... but as soon as I went through the comment section... thought it'd be a great idea to remain silent 'cause a lot of things has already been mentioned by these beautiful people!!! Yet I'd love to thank GWC for stepping up... taking the initiative to let people know... We r proud of you!!!
I am so glad that GWF took initiative to change the narrative through this film. Brilliant effort. I am a filmmaker and was thinking on same lines. I feel that this should be translated into as many languages as possible. I am in India and will be happy to contribute if you are open to translation in Hindi and other Indian languages. Similarly I am sure many will be open to the idea to translate this into many global languages. I think its a great effort and should reach everyone. Please Please translate it. I am in for my part pro bono.
The End of Wildlife Trade is considerably important for the world because humans are linked to the natural world and to each other in a multitude of ways. We have a moral and ethical responsibility to ensure a future for our children. Protecting wildlife and ensuring the health of humans is important for the security of our future.
First and foremost, a HUGE Thank You! for letting this piece of art see the light of day. More and more people start to realize that we need to re-evaluate who we are as a people, as well of our role here on this planet. Slowly we get rid of the dogma's we were falsely led to believe. WE THE PEOPLE are the true power. We are al sons and daughters from our Mother Gaia. Let's make our future offspring be proud of the choices that we made for them so that they can inherit a brighter future in peace and abundance. In peace, Love and Inity.
Wow! Most certainly should get us all thinking, incredible video,
Very important and beautifully created message. The people that need to see this aren't going to, and we that are seeing it have already made the choices that love and support our beloved planet earth.
This gives us a positive message to help this planet earth to have a balance of nature and that we are all connected together to make it happen.
Earth (Gaia, Terra,...) is mother and god for all of us and i will always protect her.
I truely hope for all species and our natural world that we humankind choose the right future. This message needs to be shared and this virus should be enough to realise
Brilliantly creative and inspiring powerful video....have shared all over the place and hope others will do the same.....there is an important message in this for humanity! Lets hope we're not too arrogant as a species to miss it!
Everyone needs to see this
Strong message. Just brilliantly done