So the drunk adult woman did not recognize that Trixie was gay, but the high AF children clocked her. That tracks.
This set change makes this show look EXPENSIVE
When Trixie said “clunky jewelry” my brain immediately played the “funky JEwELrY” uuunh clip at full volume
"sitting in my bucket hat, looking like Jennifer Lopez, getting called a poofta in a Brisbane maccas"
I'm 27 days without cigarettes, after 2 years smoking 20 cigarettes a day and very happy to hear about Katya journey to quit smoking ❤️
I buy myself nice flowers in the house every week now for the money I would've spend smoking. Theyre a really beautiful daily visual and smell reminder that I chose my happiness and I can continue to choose it instead.
16:04 “at the macca’s the huffers called me a pooftah” is truly one of the many sentences
"sorry to this man"😂 katya, get keke on the grindr interview!
Bob the Vape Queen
Trixie is giving Frog and Toad and I love it
"At the Macca's, the huffers called me a poofter." This Trixie x Australia collab is pure poetry ❤
Katya is onto something. It would be cool to see some sort of Trixie Mask for when she DJs. Like a Trixie power ranger or Orville mask.
I'm proud of you Katya! I quit smoking 6 years ago, and I don't miss it for one fricken second. It took a while, but eventually I just stopped even thinking about it.
craziest intro to a podcast I’ve heard in a while
omg the whole anti-smoking bit was a promo, the plug of the century
Girl that spine lamp is so cvnty I'm obsessed 😩
36:32 - Trixie’s non-verbal “Let’s take a break” was sooooooo much funnier than if she’d said it aloud! 😂
as an australian who had to sell my spd tickets for rehab summer camp i am thrilled by this ep