
Thanks for the amazing instructions Scott! You truly are the best 😎


Congratulations uncle Scott on getting the endorsement and sponsorship from Debuyer. Well deserved. I hope you continue to give Matfer a fair shake in your reviews. I have lots of both. But I like Matfer. And their prices are so much better. Better value, I think. Keep up the good work.


Its great to note that a simple seasoning that you demonstrated works just as well as the old potato method you showed us in the beginning of these Carbon pan demo's in the past. Smoking my kitchen out was not pleasant. So season once and Cook cook cook, I am adding the mineral carbon pro to my arsenal with the mineral B doing just fine as it has a fantastic seasoning now..


This is one of the best (if not the best) explanations on YouTube. Nicely done US!


I've done my 1st seasonning on my de Buyer elemental B with your technique, it looks awesome! Thanks for advices!


It's interesting to see how your pre-seasoning technique has evolved over the years. I prefer to pre-season a pan in the oven a few times, it gives a nice even color both on the inside and outside but it takes more time and energy (of the oven). Yours looks quick and effective to quickly get to the cooking, nice!


Thank you for this excellent video. Wish I could afford such a nice pan. You described and showed how to season a new pan perfectly. Thank you. Marcel from Saskatchewan.


Thanks Scott for your instructions! I've seasoned my two new pans to near perfection! I have a ceramic cooktop so neaded a little bit of experimentation compared to your top, but the instructions were very helpful! Enjoy the holidays.


I needed this reminder on seasoning.  Just ordered a Debuyer 11inch mineral b pro omelet pan.  Looking forward to getting the first layer of seasoning going and then cooking lots of french and country style omelets.  Thanks for all the great content on your channel.


I just purchased the 9.5" pan and the 12.5" pan with handle on your recommendation. The former will be my dedicated egg pan while the latter will be my workhorse. Thanks, Uncle Scott!


I'm very much a novice cook, new to carbon steel pans, and I really appreciated your instructions here. You picked the perfect pan to demonstrate this process, too, with ample real estate and lighting to show what a proper seasoning should look like when finished. You even gave advice when my own seasoning process didn't go according to plan, which worked nicely. Thank you!


Nice, I had to re-season mine yesterday. After cleaning it I was heating it up to dry it and to put some maintenance seasoning. I got distracted and the pan must have been an hour on proper heat. The kitchen was hot! All the seasoning was in powder form in the pan. Only a few edges had some old seasoning. So yeah, don't walk away from it!
Now my pan looks similar to this one with just one layer.


I received my de Buyer Mineral B Pro 11-inch fry pan last night (at a bargain price, thanks to your sale tip) and I've now seasoned it and cooked some things.  The quick seasoning method you describe in the video worked well for me and I was able to pass the fried egg test the first time (so it definitely works).  I had some extra potatoes that wanted to be used, so I fried some salty potato skins and that worked also, adding some nice color.  I then fried the sliced potatoes, following the general guidelines given in your video on non-stick fried potatoes and there was never a  hint of sticking.  They turned out very well.  I suspect cooking with carbon steel won't always be quite this easy and I'm reminded of something my flight instructor said when I was first able to land the plane by myself.  I thanked him for showing me how to do it and his laconic reply was, "Well, it comes and goes!"


On the seasoning a new pan very helpful when you stated and on to the pan wipe around and wipe dry and put in oven


I have 2 De Buyers thanks to Scott.  Really enjoy them.


Just cooked breakfast in my new Strata pan. Works great so far. I'll try more later.


Love your philosophy uncle Scott: season once and just start cooking! Great video!


Love my Mineral B Pros. IMO this method only works on gas, which I no longer have. The oven method takes time, but it's bombproof. I use Buzzywax and rub a layer in while the pan's cold and wipe excess just like you did, put it in a 250 degree oven for 15 minutes, turn the oven up to 350 when I pull the pan out and wipe excess oil again, then when the oven is preheated bake at 350 for one hour and turn the oven off to let it cool overnight. I do this basically all week, 5 or 6 thin coats, until I'm satisfied with the result. Takes a week, but I've got other pans to cook with so it's no big deal. Just had to strip and reseason my 11" Mineral B Pro because I meant to leave the eye on Lo for a post seasoning after cooking, but accidently turned it to Hi and forgot about it for 45 minutes 😅

Pan was good as new after that though. These things are basically indestructible.


You the man!!!  Just did this procedure to a new 8" wok, worked perfectly!   🙂


Hello again, from sunny South Africa, Uncle Scott.  Thank you for this. Baie lekker (very good). And yes, we still braai in a skottle (old tilling plough disc from the farm). 
Lots of love to you.