7:43 this kid is completely living my childhood dream, that “howdy” wave at the end 😂freakin love it, you go young man!
132nd viewer❤❤
1:41 what product is that ? i want to get one
Very good but a jar opener definitely doesn't belong in this compilation
Where my eyes went doesn't say a thing about be because I'm not into women, but I was curious how she was going to keep all THAT in that tight dress. LOL!
5:50 - how is that possible? If the cat is only an image or video, how are the fish disappearing behind the cat? That's a Wow moment!
It was very easy not to say that three letter word. There wasn't anything spectacular about anything in it. And why would anyone ever watch a video to calm themselves down right before sleep when everyone knows the blue light of all electronic devices WAKES A PERSON UP, it doesn't put them to sleep!
6:14 That's definitely food coloring, and it must be horribly unhealthy. I wouldn't eat that, ever!