
Imagine a random American walking next to your market stall muttering "is this a junkyard?"


21:33 Remember that machineguns have a longer ADS time then rifles.
They are for holding positions where they can pre aim.
When doing movements and clearing, always use riflemen.


Its funny to me that you are told which doors are locked and where all of the furniture is but not how many people to expect.  Whatever spy they use to get their intel is a mess. In my opinion fog of war should blackout interiors until you look inside.


This series is a blast to watch. Thanks for making these videos!


29:16 CTRL-M1 is the shortcut to toggle where they'll match speeds EDIT you can do this on the character or on their path for where you want them to match speeds. This way you can have someone sprint into formation when bounding and still stay nice snd tight watching as many angles you can


Hey Karma. Your guy Scooby WASN'T slow. Scooby died because the terrorist had vision of your man way first than Scooby did of him. That's a physics concept but basically they  both were holding the same corner but your guy was way closer to the corner than the enemy, which means he had way more vision and had time to prepare his  gun before Scooby. You can search for it and even try it IRL. It applies to every corner even in competitive FPS it's a very important concept cause it gives massive advantage.


19:38 Shift-clicking on the trooper (or anywhere on the path) will place a STOP code. Trooper won't move until you shift-click them again. Useful for letting a room breathe.


RIP Pullings bro. Got domed before he could even see what had happened. That's why I never sit that close to windows when I play, since it typically spawns enemies is smaller rooms on the edges.


I wouldn't recommend having your LMG guys walk & peek the corners (like mission 1). They never seem to be fast enough to ready up and shoot. That's why I normally (if I even bring one) just have them sit and watch an angle (like mission 2). And as far as stingers go I use them more so to get civilians out the way so I have a clear shot at the enemy and so the enemy doesn't shoot them while shooting at me. And one last thing I wouldn't use "match speed" and "wait and clear" together because the guy in front will stop and shoot while the other will keep walking and ends up in each others way sometimes. 
Looking forward to the next one.


Very good stuff Mr. Kut! One thing I think people sleep on is where you use CTRL-M2 and point a vector towards which way that unit will remain looking no matter their path or movement direction. Its useful for rear security, running the rabbit, etc. Lotta applications.. and the more I learn about the various weapons and sights on how they affect your ability to turn corners better, it's yet another tool in the toolbox. Not to mention it can help avoid mistakes of using the normal M2 which snaps back to your movement direction after like 2 seconds. Pumped to see more of this!


Pullings died at 24:28 because of the wait and clear command. Its really bad to use it for targets at the close range. Since the game doesnt have wall penetration and your rangers aim for center of mass. Not all rounds fired by them will connect if only half are hitting the wall.


This big open day map with 4 soldiers is crazy


You’ve got to try out the shotguns it allows you to get so much more use out of marksman, one of the only games I’ve seen accurately show the range of a shotgun firing slugs.


1:03:22 If you're doing any sort of CQB, until you're maxed out on Assault Shooting, you'll want the 4x Battle Sight (not the 1-4x) I'm getting further into the weeds about why the scopes are all different and it turns out not only does the Aim Speed stat lie, it doesn't tell you about a "readying" state that occurs before aiming even occurs. That way the aim speed and such can look similar but preform vastly slower or more clunky. Don't use anything other than that GOATd 4x unless you're also planning a lot of long-range combat as well. Even the. The 4x does great all around.


35:27 Whenever you can see an insurgent and you're making tough decisions in the moment, you might wanna pause and mouse over them. That dude might've had III/IIIA plates, and it'll show you who has armor. Of course crits ignore armor 😂


If you open options and click the options header until it says dev next to it, you can click ctrl f during missions to completely remove the fog of war, which might make replay more interesting (dont forget to turn it off after you're done tho)


On the topic of stingers: they only add a little bit of suppression to enemies in the blue radius and fully suppress enemies in the yellow radius, I consider them inferior to flashbangs in most cases however they can be useful when you double stack them (throwing two at the same spot simultaneously) 

Also, all handheld grenades break windows effortlessly when thrown, I’m not sure about GLs though


Love watching you play this game. More episodes!!!


35:14 Yes, it crashes through the glass if there's no curtain. If there is a curtain it won't go through.


Lots of injuries and casualties from undisciplined control of 2-man angles. It seems like there's always at least one injury where one guy is stepped out a bit too far into a shooting lane that's supposed to be covered. If K would take another second to check the sight line he'd be way better off