I am definitely in a better position now as i revert to Islam SubhanAllah
As-salamu alaykum, I took my Shahada 5 days ago, and already I feel so much calmer and at peace. Your videos are a great source of inspiration and guidance in the faith. Alhamdulilah I proud to be a new Muslim.
When i was at the peak of depression..i started to continuosly reciting sourate al-ikhlas at all time possibles.until miracles happens..too many.. too great..till now..its still happening...Alhamdulillah ya Allah..
I'm a new converter and I'm just watching the video of Mufti Menk today. I want all the Muslims to pray for me not to backslide. Secondly,help me ask for forgiveness from Allah and He should please restore my health totally .
Alhamdulillah I accepted Islam 15 years ago when I was of 16yrs miraculously ❤ it has been a tough journey but subhan Allah it’s by him , may he give hidayah and Jannah to my parents,brother and family and ummah ❤Aameen Please keep me in your dua for me to get a good husband and Jannah
I lost my son to suscide pls make more such videos. Alhamdulillah....they are so soothing ...
Alhamdulillah! I was really battling with my own thoughts, wondering if I can forgive those who have wronged myself and my family, it was near impossible for me to forgive. This speech reminded me to believe in Allah (swt) and rebuild my relationship with Allah. I realized nothing is guaranteed expect death. Ya Allah I ask you to forgive all those that have wronged us and to make our deen a little easier, Ameen.
Every family have that one person whom will break their financial burden, hope you are the person. Spend less, invest more💰💰 May Allah protect us all
Masha Allah! I was so depressed listening to mufti menk, feeling better now Alhumdillah. Jazak Allah khairan mufti menk.
I m struggling with my inner self , it is in turmoil, I feel the words have calmed the storm , Ya Allah help us , forgive us , shield us and carry us in our times of need Ameen
I was Christian and I accepted Islam more than a year ago. Alhamdulillah 🤲 I could say that I've chosen the right religion as this religion changed me into a better person. Before I converted whenever I had a problem i always think to end up my life to skip from trials but now Alhamdulillah ehenever I'm in dark days I just prayed to Allah and tell Him everything as I trust no one but Him and I'm already ok. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge about Islam this helps me a lot. Also, one of your videos helped me fixed my marriage.❤️😍 Alhamdulillah!🤲😇May Allah SWT continue to shower you blessings, good health and protection for your entire family.❤️ JazakAllah!🥰 God bless everyone!❤️🤗
I took my shahada 1 year ago Alhamdulillah. I still have a lot to learn
Daily Dhikr Reminder ♥️Bismillah 1. SubhanAllah 2. Alhamdulillah 3. La illaha il Allah 4. Allahu Akbar
I can listen to this brother for hours and not get bored instead I feel happier my Eman gets boost May Allah SWT keep Mufti Menk alive healthy and wealthy for long long years until death reaches us he's a good man Masha Allah 💚🤲🏻👍🏽
I needed this, I’ve been praying someone stole my money from my account left me with nothing. I’ve been praying to help me solve this situation. 🙏
I am not a muslim but i love your teachings,from kenya
Guys remember me and the entire ummah in your prayers - there’s so many difficulties in ours lives. May Allah help us amin.
I Lost 2 of my brother's in the same month I trying so hard to understand 😢 I put everything in Allah hands 🙏🏼
SubhanAllah i was feeling very frustrated and was in a state of confusion but this speech motivated me and encouraged me to turn to Allah(SWT) and build a strong relationship with Allah(SWT).💚