If u want to clean it at home you can use a cloth it would help also what my audiologist suggested / for people who are used to the q-tips you still can clean with them but just the out side of the outer ear and be careful
Every. Single. Time. that they say “don’t use q-tips,” the NEVER give a different solution.
I don’t have ear wax, I went to the doctors to check my hearing. I have great hearing to this day and q tips if done right way clean my ears perfect.
Thanks for the tips.
The cleaning the ear with water is such a nice feeling
Alright cool, guess I’ll go to the doctor every other night 👍
I’m prone to infections due to immune suppressing medication and I got a nasty ear infection from using q-tips. Apparently, the wax keeps your skin moist and fights off any bacteria that enters, so when you take it away, you are at higher risk for infection. The q-tip can also cause micro-tears in the skin. So when you use q-tips, you basically cut open your skin and take away your body’s natural bacteria fighting ability.
I used a q tip 3 years ago to clean the wax in my ears. It pushed the wax down the canal and caused a big hole to form in my eardrum. I did a ear surgery and now I'm fine. I totally regret using a q tip because it has affected my hearing a little and caused me trouble for a whole year till I did the surgery. I always get my ears cleaned only at the ENT since then.
I suffered from chronic ear infections as a child. They can be very painful. But the warm water clean out feels so freaking good. I highly recommend it.
My sister years ago got her ears blocked because of the wax and using a q-tip didnt help. She went to the doctor's and turns out she had a narrow ear canal and hence they were prone to getting blocked. She got them cleaned like this video shows and now she goes to visit for an ear cleaning every year or so 😁 She also only uses q-tips but doesn't put them all the way in, just enough to clear up what is visible from the outside. Just wanted to put out this experience out there.
All these people in the comments like “I use qtips and I’m perfectly fine” don’t realize that the box says do not insert into ear canal. I don’t get how you could think that a completely blunt and bulbous object could remove earwax, there’s a reason you only see a tiny bit of residue on the end of it after you’re done, it’s because it exclusively pushed it deeper into your ear and a teeny tiny bit stuck to the cotton
Sometimes you have to use a qtip tho, like when your ear gets clogged with water or your ear has really liquid ear wax
As someone with chronic allergies and rhinitus, my ear canals itch daily. I have to use a black clip to scratch it 😂
That 15 min costed your insurance company $5000.
To clean your ears at home you can buy an ear digger, it's a long little spoon thingy that you can use to dig out ear wax
I had to go get one of my ears cleaned out by a doctor and they used the water technique because it was completely blocked. Man after the cleaning was done I was so excited to be able to hear again.
When I was a kid, I had problems with my ears, I was constantly getting ear infections and other problems as well of hearing loss from it. Three times as a young girl young kid, they had to put me to sleep to put these small special tubes into my ear canals. Idk what exactly they did, but ya. One day in school one of them popped out of my ear and my teacher seen it happen. And called my mom to come and see it. But ya I hated it so much, as in the ear infections.
it's feel so new after the treatment i also had it twice in year😊
For years i used Q-tips but stopped using them after my ears started making my hand hurt, making me go insane and couldn't sleep so i told my mom and she took me to the doctor about 3 weeks later and i had the worst of the worst of a ear infection in the ear and it was caused by Q-tips so be careful with those things 😄 Edit: i also couldn't hear half of the noise i could so i always yelled