Elliot Hulse = Best mentor ever :D
They should teach this stuff in school...
I discovered Joseph Campbell in my years at college. I was a man with an intense curiosity about the things of the world. I was not bound by the conventions that sought serialize our experiences as individuals in society and make us "automatons" for the sociological conformist machine that runs the very heart of our society. Most of my friends had plans to become lawyers and doctors in order to make it as "formidable people" within our society. They were demure to action outside of their all-too-known existence within the bubble of their school, home, work, family, and occasional vacation trips to pretty much the same places people go. But when I asked them what their alternatives to all of their plans were, they were dumb-founded and had a difficult time searching for an answer. All they knew was their world, all they knew were these manufactured experiences imbibed in them since infancy. They were to follow the heavy-trotted path of their fore-fathers and fore-mothers and would not dare trespass against this path lest they be a pariah in the eyes of their families and friends. I looked with jaundice eyes at this state and I endeavored never to fall into the pit of conformity. I wanted something different in my life, something real, something definite, and something that is mine and mine only. Reading Joseph Campbell's books fueled the furnace of originality that was kept adequately lit by the curiosity that I housed secretly within the thickets of my heart. His books drove the urge within me to strike out a new adventure that I can pursue outside of the immediate scope of society; not simply to be a kid who wanted to rebel against society simply to rebel, as all the amateur rebels of our society so often do; but to be me, to find myself in this world. Can you imagine living your life just to work and have a job? Just to be a worker for some big fortune 500 company and slave away an irksome existence while they benefit from your strenuous effort and enjoy the fruits of your cumbersome labor? I did not want that for myself, I wanted something different. I advise anyone who is reading this post to, as the wise words of Joseph Campbell, "Follow your Bliss". Campbell said that the cave that you fear to enter laid your treasure. In the sense that whatever that is in your gut, in your heart which writhe you into insanity when you do not to pursue this most ardent pleasure, go and follow it. Do not forsake this pleasure because society can extinguish it with the fumes of mediocrity and you will sit in the final days of your life and dwell in ponderous thoughts of the possibility of doing something different with your life, and that state is torturous for anyone to endure. I do not want to promote religion, but Jesus said in Matthew 5 that the kingdom of heaven is not of this world, in the kingdom no thief will break and steal your belonging nor will it rust to ashes and dust, but it will be yours and yours only. For where your treasure is your heart will be also. In this sense, we all possess the treasure that is within all of us; the treasure not to exist as the creatures of the earth in the identical fashion as all the insects and animals that roam its valleys, deserts, tundras, and tropics, but to live, and to live boldly and courageously. It is not enough just to exist as everyone else, how can we distinguish ourselves from others when we conform to the same activities, same thought pattern, same exact plans etc? And when we live inside of our true wishes and desires, we live triumphantly, boldly, and courageously. We live triumphantly because we live as a resurrected person from our primeval state of being. We were born in a house and lived within the conventions of their rules. But once you become a man, childish things fade away and the wild and uncertain world becomes plainly visible to all of us for the first time, and we must face it by ourselves. We live boldly because we are bold enough to proclaim our desires to the world despite the odds of achieving them. Boldness is the matrix of our existence, instead of acquiescing to the facts of this world; we deny its validity by forging a new idea and existence for ourselves. And finally, courage, this is the virtue that makes the person keep their boldness intact when the heavy torrents of existence become tumultuous and perpetually shaky. Though the odds are against us, we still keep calm and travel among the perilous plains of our lives to defeat the enemies that wish to undercut our success. Thus courage is the virtue that ultimately surmounts the last vestiges of setbacks which aim at trying to make us submit to the mediocrity that once consume our being. And now we can build a new foundation of a new heroic man that was shaped by the events that molded him into who he is. I just say all of this to just express my feelings as I traverse among this mysterious world. Though the journey is rough and my feet many times ache in distress, and pain concomitant with the encroaching thoughts of defeat beleaguer me, I still go on despite of it. Because in the end of the day, it is as the great poet Robert Frost says, "I took the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference."
I'm 23 right now and I am on my own hero journey. Sold my car because I brought a laptop to to take my online classes for coding also the car wasn't working anymore had to get rid of it back in November. Also working at minimum wage $15 bucks an hr at a cosmetic factory 7-4 M-F. Plus gaining mass and size hitting the gym on the weekends at planet fitness.
Elliot: One of the greatest mentors of this century!
I first watched this video when I was 16 and thought this didn’t apply to me, now at 23 it is unfolding right before my eyes.
You are my mentor
I hope Elliott realises how much of a mentor he has been to many. Talking personally when I watched this and the other content 5 years ago now, I look back at it now and still gain knowledge/reassurance of the journey. I hope to be able to help people like Elliott did for me for developing in my late teens/early 20s. Respect
Elliott, I'm not sure about some of the responses that you're getting, but I'm glad you've brought the "Hero's Journey" into the light. I can only hope that young men find this video and take it seriously. I have worked with men of all ages for over 30 years (from corporate CEO's to street gangs) and regardless of socioeconomic status, I find that so many men are lost and confused. Too many men are "boys in men's bodies," and as a result they have lived destructive, hurtful, abusive, confused, depressed, and anxious lives. The Hero's Journey is a psychological imperative if a man wants to be genuinely healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you for sharing this!
You're right about that. I refused the Hero's Journey so now I'm doing it all again. Watching your videos is part of my rebirth.
I wana thank Eliot for this one. Very deep for me. I left a western country to visit my father in Africa. In order to find some form of masculinity. I have been here in central Africa for 3 weeks and learnt so much about my father and life. He was/is a very powerful and well respected man. It has helped me fill in the gaps which I had about my identity. I was terrified about the whole trip so I kind of see it as a passage of sorts. Good bless Eliot. Just like my father he is a selfless man. Even more will bestowed upon the man who keeps giving. Please don't be jealous people of a selfless man.
This is what I had to listen to. During my first semester in college, I wasn't feeling great. I didn't play football, I didn't make any friends, I just sat in my room and played video games and cried myself to sleep (I know I was pathetic) because I didn't feel I was supposed to be here. Fast forward to today but jump back a couple of weeks ago I didn't know what to do with myself because I had no way to pay for college other than attempting to apply for loans in order to go to school I hated. I prayed to god to help me and give me a path to follow. The next day I get a call from the army reserves out of nowhere. They talk to me about the paths I can follow. Before all of this I've always wanted to be in the military since I was in the fifth grade. It was my dream to either be in the military or play football, but one thing that inhibited that dream was me trying to follow what other people think what was best for me-saying that "oh no you should play football the military is bad for you yada yada yada." The same people that would say stupid shit like that are the drones of society. Those that don't want you to follow the path you are supposed to take. I know what to do now, and nobody is going to stop me. They can say whatever they want to, and still have that losers mentality, but I know where I'm going.
This is one of my favorite quotes, of which it just happens to be by Joseph Campbell: "People say that what we're all seeking is the meaning of life...I think that what we're really seeking is the experience of being alive." - Joseph Campbell
I'm 28, and I've seen your content years ago, but only today reached a point where I could understand the depth of it, and be glad for the message. I rediscover you at the time of greatest need. It's time to evolve.
I keep coming back to this year every couple of years, as a young man you have no idea how much this helped me.
The one vid that changed my life..
Yo Elliot! I began watching your videos two years ago, and my life has changed completely. I was 21 years old living in my hometown drudging through a community college, to follow my parents vision of me, when I could bear the gap in my life no longer. I felt like I was squandering my potential. I have watched many of your videos and have finally found myself. I turned 23 years old today and I am currently across the country from my hometown, taking risks and absolutely crushing goals I have set for myself. What I was missing was the Warrior. Up until 21 I was lover and magician, trying to figure out why on my path to king, things didnt feel right. But I have discovered the warrior thanks to your videos and the training I have done since then to where I am today. Thank you Elliot and I hope i have conveyed my journey to you successfully. I just did things without fully understanding, but I think everything just clicked. One King to another. Thank You.
Elliott helps us to get stronger in every single aspect of life. Whether it's physical, mental or spiritual.
Im 35. Ive refused it, cried my way back home a few times, and nuerotically seperated from my body up until now. Coincidence I said, Im doing it this fuckking time and I find a mentor you Elliot Hulse ? This shit is REAL and Im listening sir..........