Orca enters conversation.🍿
Thought tiger sharks had the stronger bite since their prey are sea turtles
My favorite animal 🦈
The only shark to give a sort of fight to the great white is Tiger. Hammerhead and bull are very close but Tiger shark is way ahead of them. The hierarchy is like Great white >> Tiger>> Hammerhead>> Bull
right but the orcas kicks both there asses!
The great white stomps
Is there a shark that could beat the great white shark 1v1?
This is such a load of BS. Firstly, an average great white is about 0.75—1 meter longer than an average tiger shark. Secondly, there are at least somewhat reliable reports of exceptionally large tiger sharks reaching 1500 kilograms or more; where did you get that 907 kg maximum from? And why don't you mention the average weight of a great white, which is considerably less than that 1814 kg? Summa summarum; if you have, say, a 4-meter great white and a 4-meter tiger shark, the great white might be somewhat heavier, but there's no way it's twice as heavy.
Stupid short bro