It's only a matter of time before this MASTERPIECE is inducted into the American National Film Registry for preservation. It's been copied and parodied in everything from the Dark Knight to the GTA games. It's obviously become a part of popular culture now.
That's the way an action film should be CGI. Just perfect editing, practical effects, suspense and good acting...
Waingro who was the cowboy and new to the team, was a psychopat and an apparent serial killer, he was looking for a reason to kill, and the guard eyeballing him was reason enough. The second guard died because he was reaching for his weapon. Tom Siezemore's character then looked back at De niro to confirm yes or no to kill the last living whitness to a robbery that had already escalated to homicide.. once De niro nodded yes - the last guard was executed by Tom's character. Waingro's actions led to Pacino's crew finding out about De niro's and ultimately the death of everyone except Chris, who escaped while losing his family. Great great movie.
Still angers me how Waingro ruined what was gonna be a clean job
I saw this in the theater in 1995. The beauty and magic of Heat is it's got better over time. Extraordinary. They quite simply dont make movies like this anymore..they're not capable.
I love how Danny Trejo's characters name is Trejo.
Well they better deduct $10,000 for cleaner costs
I'm just gonna say this now... there will never ever be another movie quite like this one. The drama, the action, the sound effects, the acting. All directors these days should study this film and learn from it. Heat produced one of the most spectacular shootout scenes I have ever seen.
I love how the best part of this scene is where there happens NOTHING and the camera just takes shots of people in hockey masks looking badass. This scene would have been awesome even if the heist went perfectly and there was no turning point. I love all the little details, like all of them having different guns indicating that they had to make discretee deals to get them, like the magazines in their vest, the tie-downs tightening the coveralls, like the fact that they ouse coveralls so they can change outfits after the heist quickly, the cool-looking hockey mask and of course picture of thesee criminals as just being human, just reaching out for their dreams by breaking the law. Most hollywood movies to this day are just capable of this black-and-white type of defining characters - there is only good and bat. Heat is the game of thrones of the 90's regarding this issue.
"What's the police response time?" "Ten seconds!" Payday 2 in a nutshell.
Payday 2, GTA V both took a lot from the crime-drama movie Heat. This scene is really popular, not as thrilling as the bank robbery scene but it definitely establishes a tone of professionalism that stays till the end of the movie.
This movie has truly stood the test of time.
The Dark Knight took almost all of this including the exploding ambulance, even the Bank manager was from this movie.
If the cowboy didn’t shoot the guy the whole plot wouldn’t have happened
0:30 I love how they pull the truck back so it's perfectly in the shadow.
If only gta online heists were like this...
I love this film. True professional criminals. Not cheap drug dealing, stand over shit that gangs make bread off. Military perfection. The kind of crime that would impress a law abiding citizen....GTA stole this scene 100%. I don't blame them. It's brilliant.
I jus realized that this was the blitz play from GTA V
two shots with FN Fal in chest adn one in the head is such a overkill. poor guy.