
As someone who's very familiar with Joseph Campbell's work, this is a terrific summary. Makes me feel good about watching your other videos, as it allows me to be confident that you're not mischaracterising the subjects you talk about in the way that a channel like School of Life does.


These videos for many are mentors and the best sidekicks as we venture forward.


To me this sounds like every midlife crysis ever. You start with doing things that you think are expected from you, that are normal. You do this the first 30-40 years. You realize that those things aren't actually the things you wanted to do. It makes no sense so you fall into depression. You think about your life, how time is flying by and is gone forever, what you actually want from life. Either it crushes you or you emerge like a Phoenix and become the person you want to be.


I recognise the hero’s journey in my own life, I descended into the dark and unknown, after a period of anxiety, curiosity and silence I found myself enlightened and wiser exploring the unknown and facing your own shadows is scary, you experience ego death, you stay in this formless state for a while, afterwards you feel reborn, fresh and present in each moment, this is what si experienced last year, this year my spirit broke because of the consequences of a physical issue, I once again stand between two choices, descending into my unconscious mind, transcending the archetypes and possibly heal my spirit, or not descend and stay in this broken state, making poor choices, being and not living. Descending into one’s unconscious mind is no small thing, for when you choose that path you are not certain that there will be blissfulness, there is a possibility that you lose your sanity and this might be worse than daring to undertake this journey in the first place. The chances of reaching a stage of blissfulness and rebirth are there when you descent. There are no chances for blissfulness when you don’t.


6:12 - Descending deeper and deeper into the psyche, overcoming trials and experiencing moments of ecstatic insight, eventually one's previous self begins to disintegrate and a new more impressive self begins to form. In myths this stage is symbolized as a death and rebirth in which the hero enters a dark area.
Psychedelics produce an effect known as ego-death, in which one's constructed identity dissolves and allows one to embrace the cosmic.


This channel is a bliss.


Bro, you actually read the books and got them and summarized them. Thanks for people like you!


Wow, this pretty perfectly mirrors my path in self-development since last summer. I need to read Jung and Campbell.


I hope you enjoy our latest video!
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Recommended Readings:
The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell - http://amzn.to/1rsulJ6 (affiliate link)
Pathways to Bliss by Joseph Campbell - http://amzn.to/28HSv43 (affiliate link)
The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell - http://amzn.to/1ZUkSGe (affiliate link)

Get the transcript (see the bottom for links to all the paintings used in the video): http://academyofideas.com/2016/06/joseph-campbell-myth-of-the-heros-journey


I search many videos about the heroes journey and this is the best one. You go into great depths about it in such a short time.


You are my favorite philosophy channel


I moved to Vegas thinking my hometown Covington, Louisiana was why I couldn't succeed. Only to learn that it is not where you are but what you are doing that succeeds.


I'm going through this right now at age 27, I have Nihilistic/Existential anxiety/OCD (Considered a very pervasive type of obsession about meaning, purpose, infinity, isolation and uncertainties) for months now, and what I did is visualize my self as a fighter facing enormous demons which are my fears and unwanted desires and thoughts face to face instead of running, I want to get out of this misery but I don't want to go back to my old self either for it was a mess, I didn't thought thing is common across millennia I thought I was the only one facing my fears like this.


Divinely inspired, thank you. Also love how the last word of the whole video is "bliss."


Thank you for the effort and love you put into making this series of videos; really enjoyed this one. Love your channel! Keep it up! :-)


I had forgotten so much of this... what a great refresher in Campbell


How wonderful is this. I have said it before; I will say it again: How Wonderful Is This.


My call to adventure is the quest to slay my own depression.  Negativity is a very real monster.


Thank youuuu for the amazing content and explanations 🙏


Anyone who dismisses the unconscious element in our human experience does so at their own peril. To deeply experience and understand all the forces that influence our thoughts, feelings and actions is to be whole and free. These forces of shadow and light impact our daily existence at various strengths, dependent on one's current predicament of the here and now. Before I bury the lead here, a powerful way to become acquainted with this space is via a safe, well-considered psychedelic experience. One where  set and setting is sufficient, a knowledgeable sitter is used, and the psychedelic substance is of known provenance. Before you settle into some pet philosophy or psychological solipsism, be willing to take a hero's journey into your own being---by whatever means you can allow. Find out all that you are made of...