“OooH FaNcy PiNK TreES 🧙”
"Ohh Fancy Pink Trees. Dont mind if i do" he said as he sipped his tea
"Do you see that mountain over there?" "Actually that looks more like a plateu" ~Dbza
Oh that snow on his mountain just looks so ✨exquisite✨
One day, The Tors monument will be real
Tick, tock. The end is coming soon. Don’t forget about the emerald shaped house, Mr notable.
Luke the gentleman when he sees a pink biome
"Don't mind if I dooo"😂😂
Classy Luke getting Cherry wood was great! Never heard someone so excited to find snow.
😮fancy pink trees
Very Notable mountain you have created there Sir Luke.
Fight free wardens at the same time and you cannot leave. You can only build an attack. You cannot leave to get other stuff when you’re when you’re in there. You have to summon all free and fight them all at the same time and I am subscribed and joined good luck
“I was a god. I found it…beneath me.” -Dr. Doom the Notable, shortly after obtaining the Elytra.
Snow is nice on top of the mountain
You should put a bit more snow on the mountain. I think it would look really good!
16 more days until day 100
nice mountain very notable
Agnolage my existence oh great Notable One!
Use some bone meal on the grass