Absolutely. As someone who works in mental health and struggles with severe mental health issues I definitely agree with you. I say to patients, it’s not fault your sick but it is your responsibility now to manage it
Mental health conditions are the terrain of our lives. Getting a diagnosis is like finding out the terrain of your garden. Oh! I have clay-based soil? That means I’ve been overwatering, that’s why my flowers keep dying! I’m still responsible for my choices. The soil didn’t drown my flowers, I did.
Not just a bakery. An Eastern European bakery specializing in Eastern European foods. We give away povitica and other sweet breads away to show love and care for our family and friends. A troll is a box of trash foods she loves like candy bars. Not an Eastern European tradition on orthodox Easter.
I love that you acknowledged the animal crossing polly pocket bc I was immediately going "is that a polly pocket on her shelf???"
Thank God her dietitian is having her eat sensible portions. A major problem for Amber has always been her stubborn belief that she has to go to extremes to lose weight. Her nutrition goals sound similar to how I eat, and I'm less than half her size and still losing weight. If she actually sticks to 2300cal/day, weight will melt off her.
"Some things have happened, more things haven't happened" - you perfectly summed up ALR's channel
PLEASE READ~ I would implore any youtubers sponsored by Skillshare to tell their audience that while the trial period is "free" for 30days, you need to make a decision long before the trial period is over, within the first 14 days (sometimes as little as 7 days), otherwise you will be automatically charged for a FULL YEAR (minus the month offered for free). The service itself is fine, but their free trial offers are known to be intentionally misleading.
It seems like her solution is living with her: If she doesn't want to be spoiled, but also doesn't want to risk filming a reaction to something triggering, then her gf should pre-check the boxes. Wifey can then dispose of the problematic stuff and let Amber film her authentic reaction to everything else. No one would ever see the items that were removed, which would make the trolling seem less effective. The way she does it now basically invites people to troll her, which maybe is the whole point.
My favorite quote is “your mental health is not your fault but it is your responsibility”. Amber just doesn’t do that. Everything is not her her fault and works her mental health to be whatever she needs.
Morning!! I also have OCD and that diagnosis and subsequent treatment completely changed my life and how much my anxiety controlled things. Being able to confidently identify when your OCD has taken over really takes the edge off of the anxiety of unknowing. Much love, good luck!!❤
I really like your ALR videos because I feel like you're a lot more fair than most reaction channels tend to be. Like, the complaint that she "makes mental illness her whole personality" when she talks about having OCD is, in my opinion, pretty rude and insensitive. I have autism and ADHD and they affect basically every aspect of my personality, because it is literally how my brain works. The problem comes from using mental illness as an excuse for behavior that is in fact in her control.
Her mental gymnastics are Olympic level
I love your comments about learning what’s going on with you and finding a way to move through it. This year I was diagnosed with CIRS and EDS. CIRS was caused by black mold that changed my childhood. It messes with your brain, and it turned me into an introvert with depression and anxiety and nearly killed me after 17 years of living with it. And my EDS has led to my entire rib cage subluxing and my whole body hurting and both these diagnoses come with chronic fatigue. I see a lot of people with EDS basically waiting to die. They brace everything, making things worse, and pretty much give up. By the grace of God I got amazing physical therapists who told me to MOVE my body. Don’t stop moving! So everyday, I walk, I strength train, I exercise with my dog. It’s hard, but life after diagnosis can continue and get better! Stick in there! Stay strong ❤
the mental health talk means a lot. i feel like a lot of neurotypical people (or older neurodivergent people) don’t fully understand that “managing” looks different for different people tho. i am undiagnosed but i’ve exhibited autistic symptoms my whole life (never tested though because i was afab) and one of those symptoms of me is extreme sensory overload when stressed and ensuing panic attacks. i manage this as best as i can by removing myself from the stressful situation before i breakdown. i wasn’t able to do this a few days ago as i was physically trapped in the situation and had a pretty extreme panic attack. afterwards, my dad asked me “how i could’ve managed myself better” to avoid that happening. i think there is failure to recognize that most ND people ARE trying their hardest to navigate the world and not burden other people. i hate that rare times my coping skills aren’t effective are times i’m seen as an attention grabbing burden rather than a person who need help.
Trying to convince myself I don’t need that Polly Pocket…
As someone who also probably has OCD (tbh I'm more certain than guessing to be honest, OCD is such a specific experience) I'm happy to see someone else with OCD get diagnosed. I've probably had it all my life, but in the past year and a half have been like extreme to the point where I can't live or be a person. Doesn't help that I don't have any physical compulsions. Anyway, help for OCD is sadly rare unless you're in a country that has OCD specialists. I don't have access to help, but I'm very glad to see you do.
I could truly watch you talk about anything all day. It feels like I’m just hanging with a friend! My bariatric stomach also can let me tear into sweets and treats but like sometimes broccoli is the worst thing inside of it, always keeps me on my toes! 😂
I think a big factor for her is her childhood trauma and for some people holding on to weight, even in a subconscious way, makes them feel safe somehow. When they were small they were hurt and felt helpless s being much much bigger is a sort of safety behaviour. I think she will probably have to explore this a lot in therapy. But the advice her dietician is giving does sound good and reasonable, so she is moving in the right direction with that.
I think it was in a quirky alert video, where they made the point of if she's that bothered by it she should make the "please no food disclaimer", which I fully agree. Put it in the po box time pop up, put it before and after the address in the description, anywhere the address is listed include that. Will she likely still get food? Probably, but then it is far more fair to call anyone sending it malicious or a troll.