Hey man, you should you should try like a bubble gum one but there’s there’s there’s a prize when you cut it and you have to try it. It’s so good.😊
I just realized that if you pause the video at 2:47 it shows blue Starburst instead of blue Sour Patch kids jello
Smile On always bro
The only thing is that u and ur friends had an a amazing time.CONGRATS ! YOU WON♥♥♥♥♥
i love how everybody has the same personality
That asmr glass squeaking got me dieing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Best youtuber ever love you dental digest
Can u do more with them When u do a one color food challenge BTW great videos
I’m happy that we started with yellow because I love the color yellow!
Yeah ima be honest. About a year in a half ago I got food poising from a restaurant and was nearly an hour away from home . I remember my mom rushing me back home and not being able to really do much , hurt like hell so when I went to my bed when we got home I pulled up my phone to watch some vids to keep my mind off the pain. I stumbled upon this channel and his bubblegum vid. Holds a dear place in my heart but now seeing his channel become some content farm like this it just makes me feel sad inside.
dental Digest: buy the yellow chips Charlotte: I have some yellow chips please
props to the people who clean up the studio after.
6:30 why is so spicy 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Aint no way he got a overfilled bag of lays 💀
Does anyone miss the old Dental Digest?
The blue rock candy looks so good also the yellow
the girls are talking like their held hostage 💀💀💀💀
Bro went from a dentist to a mukbanger