IM THE THE LAIN COSPLAYER IN THE MIDDLE!! i only knew like 4 dances and guessed most of the ones i did lol…… SO FUN THO!!
ahh i was here as len kagamine and had so so so much fun!! even if i messed everything up lol thank you for hosting!! <33
i was the nagito komaeda cosplayer here! this inspired me to go and learn a bunch of j-pop dances. please do this again this year so i can do them haha!
35:30 A wild Pikachu has appeared! 37:22 The wild Pikachu fainted!
Amazing start. The girl in all black on the left side most of the time is carrying hard. Thanks for including Cirno's perfect math class and Bad Apple! The latter is much harder and I can't quite remember most of the choreography but still a cool dance.
Wow was not expecting to come across this. Dancing in a inflatable pikachu costume was hard 😂😅. It was a lot of fun though.
i had so much fun!! so glad to see a RPD for jpop. thank you so much for hosting this! I was the demon slayer nezuko
i was here!! i danced in kami no mani mani on far right side in the shorts! this was my first time doing a rpd so i was VERY nervous😭😭 so many dances i knew and my mind just blanked on when dance </3 BUT TIS WAS FUN!!!
Aww I wish I was able to attend this. Awesome job!
Genuinely one of the best RPD:s I have seen. I would have frickin lost it at Balalaika LOL
Never knew there was a jpop random dance too!!!! OMG new rabbit hole unlocked! 😍
I definitely do not know enough jpop dances as i do kpop, but i still wanted to attend this in hopes garnidelia got played, and im so happy that the two dances i knew got played (tho i messed up a lil). There were a couple other songs i knew a bit, sad i forgot the starish dance but it was fun. you did a really great job with diversity in songs! maybe next time you could possibly add twice jpop songs like candy pop, hare hare, breakthough, perfect world:)
Go Everyone! 🤩
THSI WAS BEAUTIFUL I WAS THE KANGEL I swear this is the most fun I’ve had but I should def have in mind to not do 2 random dances consecutively HELP
okay.... wut.... only 2 people knew hare hare yukai???!!!! sadsies
ate i fear
蛙可愛いね(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✨ frog cute😆💘
I woulda jumped in so fast for massara blue jeans XD