I can bet the whole film focuses more into what can you cherish the most before you either die alone with your partner or die without them, like combining The Bucket List but with some Predator vibes. Based on the trailers alone.
I give it a comfortable 6/10. SPOILER TALK: I think they ended it just fine with Eddie now being in NYC. If that piece of the Symbiote did drop in the MCU (the bar scene), then I imagine it will bond with Spidey. Spider-Man 4 takes place between Doomsday & Secret Wars. I could see him getting the Symbiote only for Hardy to hop into the MCU for Secret Wars and have that Symbiote bond with him again after spidey. They can give a fan service of then having Venom with the actual logo on his chest and web slinging. Knull is an avengers level threat so if Eddie does stay in the MCU and bond with the Symbiote again, then Knull will indeed be coming. We shall see but tons of possibilities.
So I really enjoyed this movie! 7.8/10 really fun!!!! Yeah the science scenes, were the weak points, but the cast performances were solid, but a lot of the dialogue was cheesy and cliche in those scenes. I personally don’t care about Null, i wasn’t disappointed the he wasn’t in it much, the movie’s direction didn’t make it seem like he was going to show up in the finale, that said the post credits did make it seem like they have plans for Null to show up again and i can’t see where considering this is the end of the trilogy.
Criticisms in reviews are very fair... still had a lotta fun with this, Way more than pt 2. 🤙🏽⚡️🤟🏽⚡️👌🏽 Sony need to stop teasin stuff they don't pay off though, Knull in a Spider-Man movie needs Feige in charge but doubt that happens 😢
I agree and I am also under the belief that contracts prevent the use of Peter Parker spiderman on Sonys part I am going out on a limb here but I do believe that a new contract is in place to allow Sony to use Peter parkers spiderman in the future after secret wars with possibly teases of knull sprinkled in between I would give the last dance 5/10 and think the 1st venom is the best with this one 2nd
The mcu saw the success of a variant hugh jackman wolverine. It seems like the MCU is gonna reboot venom when you look at all the pieces together. Thank God!
I hope Tom Hardy gets his chance to go against a Spider-Man. He was the best part of all 3 movies. And him calling out for his buddy at the end was emotional.
The codex is visible when venom and Eddie are bonded, aka we’re not going to show you venom that much
I hope this doesn’t even make $400m. This movie is atrocious. All the Sony movies are. This one had no purpose. The fact that they harp on the fact that Venom and Eddie only were bonded for a year total made you less invested. It’s another symbiote orgy because Sony has no idea how to tell a Spider-Man story. Also, some comic fans are harsher on Sony but then there’s these people that say—like you—that the Venom movies are “fun”. I don’t understand how. That said, people are VICIOUS with MCU releases.
Sony blows it, problem is they are not Suttle. If null was trickled in within venom one and two it would be a better approach, like marvel.
Sony Marvel movies that do not feature Spider-Man all suck
Last Dance is a generous 3/10. There’s no reason for anything that happens in it. There’s like 6 characters in the whole thing. It’s just more symbiotes fighting each other. I wish Wicked would move up its release date to knock Venom out of theaters sooner
I'm glad Andrew Garfield wasn't in any of these films… 'cos it wouldn't have made them any better, only more frustrating at the creative ineptitude. People would think EVEN LESS of a movie that fumbled an actual Spider-Man than one without. Myself included.
After I saw this movie, I made 4 pages on notes of my likes, dislikes and what I didn't liked.
Venom the last dance 10/10
Venom the last dance is not struggling at all. It just made $175 million globally and it just made its damn money because the budget for the movie was $120 million.
Such a good video
i still dont understand why everyone thought this movie would be/do good. Neither the first or second was very good, and the first one only did well in the box office because people knew a venom movie could be sick, but the universe theyve developed is just boring
Flash Thompson loses his legs in the final fight of this film so their probably setting up Agent Venom