大人に勉強していい職につけって言われて「やりたくない」って言っても、将来やりたいものなんてなくて...結局言うこときいてレールの上なぞってくだけだなぁ... ツユさんの曲はいつも共感しまくり
ok whoever made this CC is an absolute chad
I think the line that hits the hardest is "I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it." ----- "Then what do you want to do?" ----- "I don't know, I said I don't know." Its like an eeriely typical conversation with my parents I had in the past, and feeling completely lost as to what to answer. In different cases, this can result in different severities of control or 'slavery' in this case.
この曲最初から鳥肌が立つほど、やばいんだよな。 MVで聴くとさらにこの子の痛みが伝わっていく感じですごくいい
I really like the circle-cross motif of the song. In case you don't know, Japan uses a system where correct answers get a circle, while incorrect answers are marked by a cross (albeit said cross tends to be shortened to just a check mark since it's faster and saves up on ink). Dorei-chan has a circle hanging from her neck, which represents how she is physically and metaphorically chained by right answers due to her school life, in the same way a slave would get a collar to prevent them from running away. At the same time, her hair pin, ribbon and uniform include the crosses corresponding to wrong answers, so the girl's very appearance is a conflict between right and wrong. In this vein, when she asks "Where will I use this?/This foolish circle of wisdom/that I’m attached to" it's literally in reference to the uselessness of getting correct answers (the so-called circle) in life outside tests and how she’s enslaved to them anyway. Throughout the song we see how Dorei-chan goes back and forth between 〇 and ×, she gets surrounded by circles/right answers at 0:18 after the opening shot showed the puppets on their own, then at 0:38 crosses begin to accompany the girl as she reflects on her inability to escape her condition (“It didn’t even change/Can’t you see/All we do is get used to being sad”). The crosses keep popping up to the point where Dorei-chan decides that dropping out of school would have been better, but ultimately the chorus kicks in and she goes back to being circled by the 〇’s. This ties back into the idiom of “going around in circles/堂々巡り” that gets referenced in the lyrics, no matter what the slaves like Dorei-chan do, they will always loop back to their initial situation for as long as they are still chained to the idea of correct answers that the circles convey. The rest of the MV follows the same structure, the crosses appear and the girl ponders if maybe she actually can escape her scholarly slavery without much certainty (“What do I do with this situation?/Break it/Can I do that?), only for the circles to step in and crush her already small hopes (“Then, I’ll quit if I could quit” or “Then, I’ll run away if I could run away”). It’s a rinse-and-repeat of yanking the girl’s chain whenever she thinks she can break free until we see the puppet’s string give in, but as others pointed out, what this means for Dorei-chan is left ambiguous.
Can we talk about the subtitles. Whoever did it is a genius, needs a raise and a pat on the back.
1:10 「負けたくないけど勝ちたい意味は知らない」っていうところが今の私(高2)でグッときた(((語彙力
I have a small idea about this. Of course, she's singing about being a slave to these adults who are 'forcing it on them', perhaps work, studies, and more. They're forcing them to be perfect and exactly what they want, like puppets, or as extensions of themselves. Every time she gets a chance to say this isn't what she wants to do, she's conflicted and has no idea what she actually wants. Her whole life, she's been forced around, always doing things for others, yet never for herself. So, all she can say is 'I don't know and once again put her head down. She's always thinking of breaking the strings, yet she slowly loses hope in her ability to break this generational curse (being the strings), eventually asking someone else if they could do it for her. Now, the ending could be interpreted as two different things. One is from the adult's perspective where she breaks free from the strings, now being rendered broken and useless to them. She's free, but not without a few broken pieces that she needs to put back together on her own. Or, she has fallen from the strings, and it was too late for her to form her own identity, leaving her blending in with the rest of a mundane society that's gone through the same. She's broken, and in turn, so is her spirit.