
I consider you a major success. It’s not you, it’s the market.




Ching, you are definitely not a failure. You are a young human with a whole life ahead of you. You know that societal expectations are BS, right? So you should know that the dichotomy of success/failure is the same BS, especially in academia. Stop beating yourself with this stick. Also, leaving academia straight after PhD is a smart move. You could have been much more miserable by trying to stick to the path of never-ending postdocs. I know lots of people who quit academia after PhD and they are generally more happy than those still in academia.
This is not to say you shouldn’t figure out your post-phd life, you definitely should. Take positives from your doctoral studies, as I’m sure there are some, and stop worrying about academia.


I like the energy/vibe/mission (whatever you wanna call it) of this channel :D YOLO


You're so much more than the hardships you face


🙋‍♂ 34 yr old, single, masters degree, founded a successful business... got depressed and about to move into an SUV and drive around the country lol


Hi Ching, we think your experience as an neuroscientist and being a research is awesome and would love to explore a paid partnership and also help you start over. How can we reach out?


Why don't you embrace optimism?