
My experience is the Women bosses are always trying to prove something!!!


I am an old dude. I have had many female bosses. Female bosses micromanage a lot more than male bosses. That creates a real problem for a guy who thinks independently on the job. I've quit so many jobs that started out good but turned rotten when a female micromanager boss got hired. Having someone look over your shoulder all day long is just no good. It's stressful and often completely unnecessary.


I've had about 10 female bosses in my lifetime.  Only 2 were super cool with no drama.  The other 8 just hated everyone and their entire lives.


All the female bosses who I had were terrible. Many of them were hyper-masculine and thought everything an employee did was in competition to them instead of looking at progress as benefitting the team.


As a black male in his 60’s, I have worked for 15 different companies and I have noticed that I become MUCH MORE ANXIOUS whenever a new female boss has replaced a male boss. But, when a new male boss has replaced a female boss, my anxiety level tends to be MUCH LOWER.


Couldn't agree more. Woman are emotional and they blow like the wind. They also create drama and have favourites.


I've literally never met a woman in any position of power that didn't constantly and aggressively abuse that power. 

It's to the point where I won't accept a job if there will be any women above me.  I'm tired of dealing with the corruption.


My daughter tells me repeatedly, her very strong preference for male bosses over female ones. For all the clique reasons, too.


Any w in any position of authority is almost always terrible


Women bosses are clique-y, never tell you like it is, and hold grudges


They split the work place. People who they like and everybody else.


If the male boss is in a position of power, he doesn't need to abuse that power to get women - the women throw themselves at him. So male bosses abusing their power is a joke. Mostly. Most women want rich, powerful men.


i quit my job because of my female boss


I've worked in/for many very large fortune 500 corporations for over 25 years now, and have had many male & female bosses, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I had a female boss there was always some unnecessary drama and micromanaging in the department. But whenever I had male bosses there was rarely ever any drama in the department (and whenever there was it was usually anticipated due to outages or software issues). If I had my choice I simply would not want another female boss


At my last job my female boss went on medical leave and a female coworker filled in for 6 months. It went as bad as you think it did. Three people ended up leaving on a team 6. The complaints got so bad HR wanted an explanation. I ended up leaving as well.


I was CEO of an IT company for 35 years before I retired. In the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's there were very few women applying for jobs in the tech sector. This began to change around 2007 and  by 2014 25% of our employees were women. However, I learned one thing early on, NEVER assign a woman to manage other women, it simply does not work. You can have a women manage men, but never other women. There is a strange dynamic that occurs with women: they will begin arguing over petty things and lose focus on a project, which causes delays. I had one woman manager who was such a bully to other females, I finally "promoted" her to outside sales, just to get her out of the office.


Boss babes....When things are going just fine and out of nowhere she throws a slight personal insult/jab at you to see how you respond. It's one of many signs of narcissism. I usually just smirk and they never hear back from me. It's almost impossible for any of them to avoid doing it, they all have this behavior. They just can't help it.


My sister, who is retired now, always refused to take any job where she would have a female boss. I was a supervisor for years …. men bosses only care that the job gets done ……. don’t care what you look like, what you believe, what your interests/hobbies are …… just get your job done …….if there is a problem, the employee is addressed directly in private and issues are solved ….. men bosses don’t talk about employees behind their back to other employees …. they do not try to manipulate ….. it is never about personalities


My ex female boss had the biggest superiority complex. She was a tyrant. Everyone was scared stiff of her.
She had her favourites. Two other females. As for the two men in the team, she kept them on as they were good at their jobs; but was always ridiculing them behind their backs. Below the belt comments about their physical features kind of stuff.
Turns out she’d been jilted by a man earlier in her life so this appeared to explain it.


Big and obvious example of women being jealous of other women, WNBA with Caitlin Clark and the rest of them.