
Thank you, today I'm living completely different life because of you πŸŽ‰


They hate people with strong boundaries


Thank you for your energy you put in this to spread awareness πŸ™ ❀️


Thank you friend ❀


Thank you for this.. my heart needed to hear this.


Healing, not reeling. You got this.


Blessed to had overcome the challenging men I once dealt with.


I posted a WhatsApp status talk about people with some personality disorders..πŸ˜‚The narc flipped and posted their own ranting status and i knew that was in direct response to my status...this plus some other things led to a terrible reverse discard...but I knew it was because I said " No" when I needed to..I called BS out when I needed to...and maintained my boundaries and refused to compromise. I became completely useless to the narc...I exposed the gaslighting and the manipulation...I was not nursing the narcs ego anymore and became a useless supply. That Is how I know that I will not be hoovered and im the happiest because I don't ever want to go through that horrible experience ever again.. more than a year now of total NC and im happy I've escaped the claws of the 😈 devil


Facts! My ex would always say that I was too tuff or I’m too much work πŸ˜‚I’d always tell
Him to find weaker and less than and I finally left πŸŽ‰β€


I needed to read those words. Thank you so much for sharing. I have tears in my eyes after reading this. Interestingly, this gave me a sense of relief. I am saving this to watch again.❀


Spot on


I get told by a narcissist sibling that I'm weak


This is beautiful and exactly what i needed to see today. I am looking forward to your upcoming course on raising kids after narc abuse. Thank you!!!


A narcissist's ego gets them their worst fear.  Being Alone.


I love your courage to talk about narcissism although your dad might watch it. 
I'm trying to recover from narcissistic family, but I'm still afraid to share photos of myself or to express on social media.
I'm doing my best to free myself from their imaginary chains they created in my mind for years.
Thank you for being inspirational.


This a direct "Answer" from the CREATOR...for me. I prayed..I asked and "YOU" gave me. GOD BLESS YOU.❀


The first paragraph hits home thank you for the videos


He can't withstand me in any way, always looking down anytime he sees me


Thank you for this, Danish.