
I'm  not sure how to emphasis this especially for us non-korean speakers, but IU sings with so much clarity, with proper enunciation but without losing the emotion. There's just a handful of her songs that are sung differently like BBI BBI.


She doesn't have the ultra-high volume that Diva should have, 
The reason why she is loved all over the world, including Korea, is because of her excellent sensitivity to move people's emotions through her lyrical voice and songs. 
Sometimes it should be rated higher in terms of art than in singing skills.


Please react to Taeyeon's and Ailee's Killing Voice performances. Both are such amazing and highly respected vocalists! I'm really interested in hearing your opinions about their voices and techniques.


IU is an experience singer, but what makes her exceptional and beloved by Korean are her public image in Korea, and her attention to detail in her music.  Putting IU's public image aside, her talent in creating expressive music and understand how to craft them for her listeners are what a true artist should be.  Talking only about IU's singing skill doesn't do her justice, any skilled singer can sing her songs, but not every singer can perform her music and create the level of sensation IU was capable of.


During her talking moments, shes explaining each song shes performing in her teens and twenties leading up to her 30s now, also for context not all Killing Voices have english subs but this one did! just for future reference, loved the reaction <<<3333


Actually IU was suffering from rhinitis during this Killing voice shoot. She still slayed the performance even when she is suffering through it.


For me, Through the night is a song to sing like you are whispering since IU wrote this song to wish people to have a better sleep or rest. Since she suffers from insomnia. She engulfs all her love to a wish of sleep well, so she technically lulling you to sleep


Something that should be pointed out to a lot of vocal coaches reacting to Korean singers is that Korean is definitively a breathy language, with heavy aspirations built into certain consonants and speech patterns. Korean pop music kind of favors singers with breathy or even raspy voices (maybe as a result of language influencing culture preferences), and its usually a stylistic choice even if perceived as imperfect technique by western standards.


Finally! It was really nice to hear what you both have to say about IU's voice. She was actually sick while recording this Killing Voice, maybe some of the things you pointed out could be because of this reason. But she has a really stable and unique voice, would love if you react to more IU :)


I’d love for yall to hear IU sing ‘My Sea’!


Love that you're finding all the unique ways she owns her vocals. I think her singing is deceptively simple, it makes it easy to appreciate when you just want a lighthearted listen but still carries so much depth when you listen closely. Can't wait for part 2! ♥️


One of the reasons why IU songs are really popular is because she is a great songwriter, her lyrics are based on her experiences and state of mind.. and general public relates to them a lot.. 
Can't wait for part 2! Please react to move IU content!


two or three things :

1.that list of songs is special, bcs they are VERY well known song in S.Korea, like "people's song". Especially Friday, Meaning of You, Through The Night, and Autumn Morning. Palette and 23 are the song ppl listen on their bday on 23/ 25 years old. Blueming, Through The Night, Lilac are awards winning songs ... In short, its a golden list, even non-fans in S.Korea will know them.

2.IU is an example of real "idol" in japan/ korea music industry. Japan - S.Kor idol's definitions are a bit different, in Japan people love the sincerity and effort more, so as long as they are lil bit cute, but have a endearing persona and potential, people will love them. In S.Korea people/ fans give more emphasize to "skill". Idol need to have better skill to debut, to dance, to sing etc. 
IU is somewhere in the middle of that concept, she has that sweet spot of being "perfectly imperfect" and "imperfectly perfect" entertainer, and has that sincere - lovely personality since the start of her career.

3.IU is a hardworking artist. She has a career on music, songwriting, actress, model, and MC (at least). Its a miracle we still see her active now, its a miracle she still works so hard right now. In this setting, she's not on her 100% bcs she got a bit of flu/ rhinitis (her voice is a bit different), and she's on a very busy schedule. In short, she's not an exclusive singer - "singer", and yes, maybe this is not an excuse, but I think seeing iu is like seeing how much you can push your limit as a celebrity/ entertainer. 
She doesnt need to try this hard, actually she already beyond success since 2017 maybe? She can retire in 2017 and still considered a legend in industry ... 
This back to my point no.2 above : she's idol/ artist and there are so much context behind her "performance" and fans seeing her as an "existence" and "memory".

Ofc, I understand you are music/ vocal teacher and you video is indeed abt this VERY moment in Killing voice, but I just want to add those context(s) :)

Anyway, thank you :)


Thank you for doing an honest review for IU's Killing Voice. I love how to explain her vocal techniques. Honestly, she's well loved in South Korea, and other parts of the world too. The reason why we love to listen to her is that, you don't need to know the lyrics translation for you to feel her songs. She will deliver the emotion 1000000% -- and like a warm embrace in a cold night, you'll know that she's there, knowing your emotions in a totally distant way possible, but also hearing and listening to your life sentiments. She has never missed a chance to make her UAENA's  (IU's fan's club name) feel loved, and heard. I am personally been saved by her music every time I am feeling lonely. But when I listen to her, all I know is that I have someone who is willing to encourage me to keep going, and that life will get better if I hold on a little more. I've watched her concert when she goes on her Asia Tour in the Philippines -- I literally cried countless times because listening to her singing live is a dream come true. Thank you for reading until here.


The way I clicked so fast!! Thankyou^^ Ailee killing’s voice is great, yall should watch that too🥰


I love your analysis of her use of consonants & vowels, and her use of breathiness. It is not just style though. You can tell songs with her own lyrics because the sounds she choose form an element of the music in themselves - they'll be flowing or rhythmic, hard or breathy as appropriate.  But, even more important, she chooses them always to express the emotion/ideas she wants to put across.  It's never accidental or for show.


Love IU's songs and voice 🥰🥰🥰


I’ve been waiting for this since the last IU video you posted! I recommend you to check out her My Sea performance from her concert The Golden Hour. It was a fantastic performance, and My Sea is one of the best IU songs that showcases the true potential of her vocal range and abilities.


I love IU's voice because its nice to take a break from all the extra virbrato sometimes, her voice is very refreshing to here, to me she is the embodiment of spring ❤


IU Killing Voice. Maybe we are one step closer to seeing a Teayeon reaction.