
I don't think he'd be as giggley if he'd really eaten those worms. There would definitely be more concern, I would think.




5:40 ☠️ roasted


6:30 yeah because putting a sped up video of the tiktoks is how you report death


Only 390 subs? Damn bro you deserve more. Def got a future on YouTube


8:50 actually he's right here because he says he's alive in THE SAME TIKTOK there's no way anyone actually thought he did die
like who stops the tiktok and goes to cry instead of watch everything
but still wrong thing to do


Bro has the production quality of 500K sub channels but only has 400 subscribers. Subbed!


Wow your content is so good I thought I was watching a big youtuber before I read the comments. Keep up the good work!!!!


You have potential my guy


These tik tokers get cornier by the day smh. Good video


damn, i came across your channel and you’re funny af, hope for you to get more subscribers my man! i’m sharing your channel now!


How are u not bigger bro? Ur hilarious, also I love ur voice.


I’d be worried about the tapeworms traveling from his stomach to his brain, but you actually have to have one in the first place.


You're FCK'N HILARIOUS!!!  🤣


1:42 yeah bet you do


Good content keep it up only takes one video usually to go viral and blow up a channel


7:58 did you just do a sigma face lol


u just earmed a new subscriber! 🎉




So good I love it!