
To me some of my best memories is the commodore with friends at camp is the best part.
Love the sitting around camp chatting with friends talking about the big one that got away.
Enjoy that more then the harvest,
Harvesting a deer is the icing on the cake.,


I’m almost 54. I used to get so excited to even see a deer back in the early 80’s in NW Missouri as a kid. I shot my first deer with a bow in the late 90’s in Iowa. After that I seem to recall getting a deer every year after. I had some life hardships in 2007 and I hung it all up. Two years ago my then adult son told me he was wanting to buy his first bow and learn how to bowhunt. He said he wanted to wait till he got his coaching bonus that spring and we would take a trip to a pro shop and he would buy his first bow with me. I was excited. I got out my old bow and started shooting again. His first season in 2023 I spent so much time sitting with him and experiencing what I already knew and watching his excitement. He finally shot his first archery kill late November that season during the rut. It was a nice buck. Last season I decided it was dad’s turn to get something and let the boy do his thing. We both went without filling our tag last year and it was humbling but we learned and grew. Iowa has been having EHD kill off a lot of deer and our county is averaging less than 10 deer per square mile. That’s a lot worse than it was years ago when I was harvesting yearly. Thanks for this video.


Hunting now is pampered. My best memories is when we’d go hunting, sleep in tents, campers even school buses. Now I can’t find anyone willing to do that anymore. They all have to return to the comforts of the home not willing to tough it out anymore


The tranquility of nature is a whole experience aside from a hunt.


Howdy Panola County here


Yes.  They’re gone.  I live I NM and can’t even draw a tag anymore.


I think both hunting and fishing have gotten strange. Marketing has ruined it, such as hunters today need influencers to tell them they need $500.00 jackets and $2,000 bows to harvest a deer. When people pay for all this equipment and dont become immediately successful, they become discouraged and less sportsman like. Every way you turn, someone is trying to influence you to buy something.