The dedication and devotion the Japanese people have to their Art forms and even their ingenuity just blows my mind away The perfect distribution of the eggs The folding and flipping techniques , even the way they oil the cookware is just beautiful to behold
As someone who started out in the restaurant business, theres no yelling at the kitchen staff, everyone is will trained in their part ..Like well oiled wheel..Comes togethet Beautifully..❤
Love the meticulous attention to detail. These guys help showcase how good food is a craft.
It’s really nice that they don’t talk while cooking, it is very peaceful that way. Thanks🤗
The pride in doing their craft is a wonder to behold.
No music from any workers phones.... no chatting between the workers.... just diligent focused work... i love it...
Asian cultures utilize eggs to perfection. Such a luxurious ingredient.
Surprised the eggs are still good after that many years, but cant argue with the end result!
When they started the process, I was thinking, holy cow, thats a huge omelet..... Then, in the end, i see what they do. After watching the process, i can see why they've been in business for a 100 years.... My hat's off to the crew.... Well done!
I love the Japanese people.....please preserve your beautiful culture and of
No arguments, no shoutings, no confusion. Like machine work. Must be Japan😂
I went on a two week bus tour of Japan ten years ago. Sounds tacky, but they even do that well. I've been back three times since then, and will return. Amongst their numerous skills, they happen to make the best egg dishes on earth.
Exquisite cook line and product, the Japanese peoples clearly enjoy and respect their unique cuisine.
Wenn ich die Videos anschaue, bin begeistert, das sind Perfektioniste
Потрясающая слаженная команда профессионалов! Ни одного лишнего движения, тишина, сосредоточенность на работе. Ну и чистота, конечно. Есть чему поучиться нашему общепиту. Браво!
Using hardly any oil….excellent skill, healthy meal.
I'm amazed at how the Japanese make cooking an art form. So much attention to detail and their patience is simply a pleasure to watch. They know how to master the art of cooking.
Омлет, как произведение искусства! Спасибо за видео! Я любовалась работой мастеров. Привет из России! ❤
Es ist wunderbar bei der Herstellung dieser leckeren Eieromletts zuzusehen. Es ist alles hygienisch sauber. Machen Sie weiter so tolle Omeletts ❤❤