
I am the master of nested IF statements. You have ruined my life. Just kidding. This is great. I cannot wait to replace all of my nested IFs. Thank you.


I use SWITCH it in Power Bi. I normally use IFS to avoid nested if statement. Great one!


At 1:30 I realised this is the DECODE function in SQL. Super handy and I no longer need to do those awful nested IFs. Thank you


True “IF” is not handy in this situation, but you can use”IFS” function, same results and neat as much as switch. Thanks for the explanation, another function is added to the line, helpful.


Thank you for this - I understand that this video is about the function switch. But for efficiency and future adjustments, I would put all the values into 1 or 2 tables and use the strengths of xlookup to return the desired results, instead of hardcoding it into a formula.


Recently retired, worked with Excel for years and didn't know about switch.  Looks very handy, can think of many times I would have chosen that instead of the clumsy "if" statements.  Thanks.


I didn't know about this function. But after watching your video, I still prefer using tables with the xlookup-function to keep things as variable as possible.


Sweeeet !!!   What a great find !    Thank you.  After using the IFs for 30+ years this is a welcome new tool.


I always did a vlookup function with a table to change a number to a rating.   Also, I find that it is still pretty clean to use 2 digits concat in another table to change a double input into a single output. The formulas are clean that way too.   Still, I'm glad to know the switch function exists.


Thank you for this video. While I am known as the Excel genius at my work, I wasn't aware of the Switch function. I am sure I'll be able to have a lot of fun with this function in the future


I've been using Excel since version 5.0, making complex sheets and workbooks, even using VBA, but everyday I discover new features and tricks. 
In this case, about 40% of all shown tricks were new for me. Thanks.


Wow, this tutorial on using the SWITCH() function is incredibly helpful! I've always struggled with nested IF statements, but this alternative seems much more efficient and organized. Thanks for breaking it down step by step and providing clear examples. Can't wait to start implementing this in my own projects!


I use Switch in PowerShell all the time, but funnily it never occurred to me that it exists in Excel.

Really useful, thanks!


Hi ! Nice video. Very informative about Switch function. Honestly speaking I didn't knew about this until now. Thanks for sharing knowledge.

I read many comments below about usability of this function and suggestions about instead use xlookup, index match and other various function. They may be right in their opinion as xlookup, index are very powerfull. BUT, this tutorial is about Switch function and not about finding alternatives to if function or switch function. See, when these powerfull functions were not available we used to use if function very largely. But now with advancements in MS Excel we get so many new functions with mind blowing capability. It may so happen that one day there would be better function available then xlookup! Who knows. So I would stick to commenting on Switch function and its usability, quality of the video, quality of content of video like language and graphics used, explanation done, example shown and discussed rather then speaking of alternative to switch function. 
Overall very interesting and informative video.


- [0:22] 💡 The SWITCH function in Microsoft Excel can replace nested IF statements, offering a more streamlined and efficient way to handle multiple conditions.
- [3:25] 🔄 The SWITCH function can be used for operations like multiplication based on different conditions, providing flexibility and efficiency in calculations.
- [5:31] 📊 Combining an IF statement with a nested SWITCH function allows for complex conditional logic in Excel, making it possible to assign values based on multiple criteria while handling blank cells efficiently.


I've been using excel for 20 years and haven't used this.  Amazing!  Thanks!


Using excel for decades but today I learned about switch. Thanks ❤


Thank you, I'm almost 50 and it's the first time I know about this


This video made me realize the switch function isn't the one I was looking for, it was IFS. Thank you!


Actually, it is the equivalent of Select case in VBA. Thanks a lot, I did not know this function existed in Excel. It would have saved me a lot of time if I had known it sooner.