
Ì have been listening to this sound for the past three days. The reality is that only God can fix what has been broken. The whistling add deep sense of brokeness. My prayers for the composer of this music is that He will never lose his essence in God's eternal agenda. Also for this YouTube Channel, may we all raise Holy Shofar to God when we appear before him in Glory as Priest and Kings.


This is really for me


Just this morning I did something I’ve been struggling with. But conviction came this time around unlike other times when I just went with the flow. I believe as the sun rises and falls everyday God is helping me.


Lord have mercy on me πŸ™πŸ™ my help comes from the Lord❀


Thank you Jesus. Thank you so much my Father. Thank you my lover.❀


God bless you sir ❀πŸ”₯


Thank you so much,,this is heaven on earth, l feel happy when am listening to your music and  your music heals


Thank you so much for the great instrumentals you do. I love your ministry. Could you also do, when you hold my hands, everything becomes possible by Apostle Joshua Selman? God bless you and the ministry


God bless you for ministering to us..may God keep you and bless your ministry


Good morning, sir. God bless you so much for this piece.


I love this song ❀❀ more grace in Jesus name


God bless you for doing this. πŸ™‡β€β™‚. May the Lord fix what ever is broken.
is there anyway someone can download it as audio??


Amazing πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Finally!!! Please make season of kings by Apostle daps gwom





