What's even more interesting about the PlayStation's history is that Sony really didn't want to make it. After the falling out with Nintendo, the board pretty much washed their hands of home consoles, and for them, that was that. If I remember correctly, Ken Kutaragi worked on the prototype in secret (with support from his boss) and was eventually able to convince the board to make the product. It's definitely interesting as you don't usually think of a Japanese salaryman as "being rogue" like that as the work culture normally pushes the idea of falling in line.
Oof bad timing on the sponsor 🤣🤣
Wait till he sees the psone
You didn’t replace capacitors with electrolytic capacitors, you replaced electrolytic capacitors with tantalum capacitors.
It's worth noting that 12v was removed from the USB power delivery spec after 1. So if the wall adapter only supports PD 2/3 then it won't output 12v, it shouldn't cause any harm and will just default down to 5v, but it's caught me out before when using those USBC triggers. Also - I'm sure you know this, but the wires you are using to go to you ESP32 controller are way WAY thicker than they need to be.
finally a guy that uses the og hardware and not just say I built a MODERN XYZ and its just a emulation with a micro/normal motherboard
Whenever you're soldering flex cables, it's a good idea to put kapton tape on the parts of the cable close to the soldering points. Even if you have experience soldering ribbon cables, all it takes is one slip of the hand or leaving the iron there for too long for the ribbon to warp or break the cable. 22:55 The PS1 Slim/PSone is smaller than your version, being almost half the size of the OG PS1.
the PS1 startup sound never gets old
1:40 the discoloration is not caused by oxidation otherwise it would be discolored on all sides even in the inside which is not a case. It is caused by UV light that is why only top part + sides are discolored. Majority of plastics do that over time. 9:15 you are actually removing electrolytic capacitors and placing tantalum capacitors.
Great project, well done. Bad timing for a Bambu Lab sponsorship though. :D
Bambu turned their back on us. They're dead to me.
Happy to see my reset mod is still being used and appreciated. It was a fun little project I open sourced a while back. I do like Will's Console Mod and Consoles Unleashed boards though. They're a bit more refined/easier to install than the simple rectangular one I made.
4:04 Well that didn't age very well, did it?
What a fantastic project, love it. The only thing I would probably add is to make the logo rotateable (maybe via a magnet?), so that if the PS is standing, the logo is in the correct orientation. And that is it for my suggestions, this thing looks like a dream!
This is easily one of my favorite channels.. I don't watch a lot of videos all the way through, but I do yours... every one.
0:13 Zac you have to push the 16 pin adapter all the way or else it’ll catch fire… oh, it’s not the 4090… sorry, force of habit
this guy sounds so much like Doug DeMuro that i thought it was a voiceover for a second
in the past couple days i watched all your modernizing consoles videos, i wanted more and i got it. Keep going with this awesome content man!
Bro, the fact that the retro gem captures the signal before it gets converted to analog just blew my mind. The people who make these after market mods are heroes in my book!